Patients Love PicoSure Focus Array - Best Laser Skin Treatment 2021

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Erase Summer damage and FALL (image of autumn leaves) in love with your skin with Pico Focus Array (treats pigmentation/builds collagen/improves texture).

Actinic Damage causes spotted or mottled hyperpigmentation, exaggerates redness, contributes to skin build-up and causes mutations that lead to precancerous and cancerous lesions on our sun-exposed areas (face, neck, chest, hands). It is important to address your skin health all year long with sun protection and maintenance therapies, but even the most devoted sun protectors develop signs of sun damage and the fall is the perfect time to come in and let us help your best skin shine back through!  

Picosure Laser for Hyperpigmentation

A common skin concern we have amongst our patients is hyperpigmentation on the face,
neck and chest. This can come in the form of solar lentigines, which is the medical term for sun
spots, yet many refer to these as liver spots, freckles, or age spots. Another form that skin
pigmentation can present in is called Melasma. This appears as brown patches mixed with lighter spots, typically on on the cheeks and forehead in a mask-like pattern. Sometimes genetically we can get a diffuse darkening to our facial skin which presents more as an uneven skin tone.
Prevention is key with the use of an antioxidant serum every morning, such as Vitamin C
and a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher. And remember, you have to reapply sunscreen every 90 minutes to 2 hours throughout the day when you’re outside. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and avoiding hours where the sun is at its strongest, from 10am to 2pm can also help prevent photoaging.
If you already have visible signs of sun damage such as brown spots on your face, we can consider treatment options such as a picture Focus Array treatments series. Typically we plan on a series of 3-5 treatments, every 3-4 weeks to help reduce brown discoloration on your skin. Each treatment should provide improvement, and depending on how your skin responds. You may be happy with just 2 treatments, or if your hyperpigmentation is significant, you may require 5 sessions to reach a good amount of clearance, providing a brighter, more even skin tone.

What types of brown spots can Picture Focus Array treat

Preventing ultraviolet radiation is the best way to reduce our chances of getting visible
evidence of sun damage and hyperpigmentation on our skin. But, no matter how careful we are with our vitamin C serums, our hats and sun protection, we are all going to get some form of hyperpigmentation.
Discoloration may show up as freckles, sunspots, brown patches, melasma, or just an uneven
appearance to your skin tone. If your brown discoloration is mild, we can get great results with a low-downtime procedure like a chemical peel or treatments with the Picture Focus Array Laser.
Picosure Focus Array Laser uses such a quick laser pulse, that it breaks up pigmentation through a mechanical injury, as opposed to a thermal injury. This allows for a safe way to treat darker skin tones through a Fitzgerald 4 skin type.
If you have accumulated a significant amount of brown spots, we may need to do a series of treatments, or a combination of treatment methods to achieve brighter, more radiant skin. Also, there are other types of skin lesions that appear brown, but need to be removed through a shave excision where we numb the skin and use a small blade to shave away the brown bump.
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