Theopologetics 048: Gavin Ortlund Not For Sale: An Appeal to Megan Basham

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In this episode, Chris demonstrates that Megan Basham badly misrepresents Gavin Ortlund in chapter one of her new book, "Shepherds for Sale," and asks her to retract and apologize.
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Great breakdown. Thanks for taking the time to this. I shared and maybe highlighting your reaction more.


Chris, thanks for your careful analysis here. Especially because we have disagreed (e.g., on hell). This shows real character. Because of various narratives that are coming against me, I would like to publicly note that I did not ask you to do this, just as I have not asked others (except Alisa) to do anything whatsoever about this situation. God bless brother. Again, I am touched by your integrity.


I currently don’t hold Gavin’s view of climate change but he’s been a huge encouragement to my faith and confidence in scripture. I will at least take his challenge to know more before I speak about an issue as if I know what I’m talking about.


Its just amazing that most of the people defending Gavin dont actually agree with him on lots of issues but know him to be a man of good intentions and integrity. Also they probably agree with 90+% of her book but when Chapter one begins with questionable attacks on him and the book is entitled Shepards for Sale yeah people are going to be concerned about believing the anything in the book.


I'm in the same boat as someone who rejects anthropogenic CC, agrees with the general concept of the book, likes DW, and obviously has no association with "Big Eva". I disagree with Gavin obviously and I have in fact done my homework, but he is not somehow a seditious figure for having his own opinions. I would not even disagree with him that a lot of people just believe whatever their ingroup tells them to, just like they are now when Megan and conservative outlets like Not The Bee (something else I'm a fan of) tell them Gavin is definitely exactly the villain the books makes him out to be. The man told people to think for themselves and this is the outcome. A lot of people should be embarrassed.


Yes Chris! This is exactly how I feel about Megan's book. It an important message but she has ruined that with sloppy work. She needs to fix this and retract the obvious mischaracterization of Gavin.


As someone who disagrees with Gavin’s position, and as perhaps an archetypal member of the target demographic for this book, one might think that I’d take Megan’s side here, but I am simply unable to do so as her claims are plainly false. I can’t opine on the rest of her book - it may be perfectly fair and honest, and I hope that it is - but on this particular point she is clearly and objectively in the wrong and ought to redress grievances, not only to restore her own credibility, and not only since it is the proper thing to do (from a Christian perspective or even a non-Christian one), but because misrepresentation and infighting like this hurt the Church’s witness to non-believers.


I saw this video when Ruslan tweeted it out. This was a fair and thorough treatment of the issue. This took you time and effort and I wanted you to know I appreciated it.


This one issue is what prevents me, an avid book reader and collector, from buying the book. I will NOT support Ms. Basham, largely due to the way she has responded to Dr. Ortlund’s pleas. Unfortunately, she won’t care. Her books sales are soaring and I believe her adding this to the very first chapter was a strategic decision by a reporter, namely her.


Thank you, sir, for a fair-minded assessment of Ms. Basham’s false and fraudulent misrepresentation of someone who is not only three times the scholar that she is, but above all the most gracious public Christian witness in relation to those with whom he disagrees. After some soul-searching, I have written her off. Knowingly claiming to quote someone — but especially a fellow believer who strives for fairness and decency — dishonesty, trading away her honor for [I’d guess] high sales. Shame on her. I’m saddened and angered. May she rise higher than her chapter’s acquiescence to…the temptations of the world of popular press among the fan base, and confess, and apologize. But above all, may all the rest of us, who enjoy no public visibility, commit afresh to Christlikeness — to a baseline of doing what we know to be good and right. — j.a.c.


You earned a subscriber for such a clear and convincing video. Thank you


I have made mistakes too and misrepresented people with overzealousness before too. Admitting it isn't easy, but we must do it as believers. Correct as much as you can!


Ruslan sent me here! Thank you for this detailed, well-thought-out breakdown. I had planned on buying the book after seeing her interview with Andrew Klavan. However, after concluding that she did indeed greatly misrepresent Ortlund - whom I often disagree with btw - I cannot in good conscience support such an author, nor can I trust the accuracy of the rest of her work. How unfortunate.


Anyone who, like me, follows and watches Gavin's content will know that he doesn't belong being mentioned in this book. He is anything but a shepherd for hire.


What’s really funny is that Megan and everyone defending her regarding Gavin are *making his point* for him regarding “instinctive backlash” on politically ideological ground. You can’t get a better illustration of instinctive backlash, particularly instinctive backlash based on political ideology, than his many criticizers who have done just that by sloughing off, circling the wagons (for whatever reasons), deriding, and outright refusing to look into any of this matter further (like rejecting the link to this video that they’re provided with).

Megan and the rest of Gavin’s critics are doing the exact opposite of their intention: Instead of diminishing Gavin’s credibility, they are *increasing* his credibility by proving his very points!! Mind-boggling coming from individuals who put themselves out there as highly educated, level-headed, and reasonable guiders of the Christian faith.

Furthermore, another exact opposite consequence to their intentions: Instead of pointing out those to be wary of in their opinions so as to encourage more cohesion and therefore unity, they are encouraging less cohesion and therefore disunity. 🤨

This is like something out of a Greek tragedy play.


[edit: Subscribed. Fair, and thoroughly presented. The silver lining in all of this has been the introduction of YouTube channels run by thoughtful, conscientious believers.]

This discussion and the widespread support given to Ms. Basham by many channels have opened my eyes to those who I considered fellow conservative brethren and defenders of traditional Christian values. Prohibition against bearing false witness is in the 10 Commandments. There is the look of low-brow tribalism in the support of Ms. Basham, not just among us viewers and commenters, but among the hosts and interviewers. It has become an us vs. them and they have circled their wagons, despite the evidence of Ms. Basham's misrepresentations. It is an ugly sight, and I am concerned about the community of Christians online and in this country. Faith is a not denial of facts, but for some it is misused to justify irrational and nonscientific positions and utterings.


I don’t normally follow your content mainly because I find Calvinism very upsetting so I avoid Calvinists. 😊 However I saw your podcast on Trinity radio and I really appreciated you taking up for Gavin. Yes! I follow Gavin, a Calvinist! Why? Because I have found him to be incredibly well informed, a real gentleman, full of integrity, gracious, and he is so very balanced. I watched the 2 podcasts Gavin put out telling about the situation and was really impressed by his gracious dealing with the situation. I, however, was very indignant on his behalf. Once something is in print people tend to believe it and a tarnished reputation is horrible for anyone, but for a man of God it must strike hard, especially when it’s unfair and untrue. You’re right, Chris. I don’t want to read the book at all, and I have lost respect for Ailsa Childers, whom I follow quite a lot, for not doing her due diligence. On the other hand I have gained much respect for you - as Gavin would say, Truth Unites. I will follow your content - up till now I have only known you for your position on hell - as I can see that you too are a man of integrity. Bravo.


I think that the issue that Basham had with Gavin which was a very odd person to focus on this issue is that she herself and so many others can NOT stand nuance on this issue because if you do you have sell your soul to the left, there are brethren who like to see things through, read, form opinions to have a better stance when doing apologetics, this is what Ortlund was saying why could someone have an issue with this unless that person is a radical herself who associates further study with compromising with theological truths. What I take from this is that sometimes we just look to the leaders of our political and theological tribe to see what they think and we go to war for that belief without questions. Once again in an electoral year God is challenging us to disconnect from tribalisms and see how politics and politicians of both camps are manipulating Christ's flock.


Thanks Chris for a well-reasoned discussion. Although I don't agree with many of Gavin's views, his approach has been for Christians to become better informed so we can approach those with differing viewpoints from a reasoned approach. I agree that Gavin has been misrepresented and is due an apology and/or a retraction. The doubling and tripling down has not been helpful in this process.


With such a glaring misrepresentation in the first chapter, it's questionable whether the rest of the book can be trusted.
