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She clearly doesnt understand dogs. They like to work and be kept busy. Giving dogs jobs is a good thing for them. Far too many dogs are bored.


“Poor woman! To be so ignorant about the fulfilling lives service dogs have, and to be making a disabled person feel guilty for existing in a public space using their accommodations! Such a shame she’ll never learn.”


I think you did the right thing. She is crazy, obviously, and engaging with her you dont know what she'll do. Stay safe! 🤍


My service dog LOVES TO WORK!!! He is very serious about his job. The doctor’s office, the pharmacy, the meat market, say “here comes Torch” He knows that he is the center of attention and he has his ears up and walks proud. But he is very aware of my condition. When I have an episode he recognizes it even before I do and he is all business doing his job. We have had trouble with a few fake service dogs.


"There are so many dogs who suffer because they are bred to have fun to run in a slide or to take care of a herd of sheep and now are suffering in a flat. My dog has a job and we have a unique bond. Of course I take care of her needs and she seems happy to help me. I am blessed to be with her."


I don't understand that perspective at all. Guide dogs usually have a better quality of life than regular dogs because they have a purpose everyday and they get to stay with their human most of the time! :)


What a happy dog! Doesn't get left at home all alone, has purpose, and is very loved ❤


Meanwhile doggo is wagging his tail and vibing and perfectly content.


You did the right thing. Most ignorant people won't change their minds, even confronted with facts. You took the high road. 😊


I don’t think it would have been worth the time or energy.


As someone with an Assistance Dog, there’s a whole entire worldwide group of handlers who have difficulty retiring their Service Animals because their dogs love their jobs so much that when they get too old or no longer qualify to work for whatever reason, a lot of the dogs become depressed because they are no longer working. People forget that dogs are bred to WORK and that any good Service Dog LOVES their work, otherwise they wouldn’t have made the cut. No amount of food rewards and squeaky toys or balls can make a dog get up everyday excited to work and do what they don’t want to do. As a handler myself who has heard this more than once, it’s hard to hear when we spend so much time, resources and money ensuring our dog’s have the best lives possible but eventually I realised that some people are just incredibly ignorant and to accept that (considering I spent 24/7 with my dog) I know what is best for her, her health and wellbeing and not some random stranger on the street.
Every handler has an incredible bond and love for their dog and therefore only want what is best for them.


I would have said louder, "I feel so sorry for that lady who can't mind her own business. Seems like she lives a sad existence and needs a hobby."


Is she kidding? Your dog gets to go everywhere with you and not be left behind. That's every dog's DREAM right there!


Also a lot of people interpret a ‘focused’, quiet looking dog that is moving slowly or in a heel as ‘sad’ or ‘depressed’ because if you think of a classic ‘happy’ dog example you think of a dog wagging their tail wildly, jumping around and even spinning, excited vocalising etc. A lot of people don’t have the opportunity to see a dog in ‘working mode’ where they appear calm and ‘lacking personality’ - in my area it’s because a lot of people have never seen a well trained/well behaved dog at all - so they can only compare mine to that image.
As soon as my girl gets her off duty cue she becomes a cheeky, sassy dog that likes to explore and I think a lot of people never really understand the difference.
Recently I did a presentation on Assistance Dogs and I got a lot of feedback from people about one section of my presentation where I had my pup unvested on one side of the room playing with a toy, sniffing around etc. Then I quietly picked up her working harness, she heard the jingle of the rings and dropped the toy, sprinting over, wagging her tail wildly and attempting to shove her head through the harness. I gave her the ‘suit up’ cue and the second the harness was buckled and the lead clipped on, my goofy pup was all serious work mode. A lot of people at the end cape over to say that I’d really helped to show just how much most SDs love their work and how it completely changed their perceptions of ‘a poor working dog’.


“Have the day you deserve” is all you gotta say ❤


Hindsight is 20/20... unfortunately... don't second guess yourself! You took the high road, she's living on the low road, leave her there! You dont need to take her with you on your journey! ❤ KEEP BEING AMAZING! 🥰


"i thought she said cannibals..."



The amount of times this has happened to me is unreal. I usually just smile and say “she gets lots of love and attention, but her work is important for my livelihood” like back off she’s not suffering and I need to have her soooo😂


Cas I have an Assistance k9 in Australia 🇦🇺 you handle the situation perfectly..silence is more powerful..just let it wash over you..keep being you lovely❤


I think you did the right thing. It's always great when you can teach someone something new, but she was obviously not going to listen to anything you had to say anyway. Champ is your dog, he is clearly loved and well taken care of and probably feels happy to have a purpose. He's not being abused or neglected in any way. People need to just mind their own buisness. I watch another creator who is blind and a "Karen" wanted to pet his service dog and he had the choice to remove his harness and allow it, but he chose not to which is 100% his right and she got very angry and followed him down the street for awhile which could have been ended very dangerously. Its sad, but you just never know how people might act.
