Spring Security Fundamentals - Lesson 10 - Spring Security configurations with Spring Boot 3

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In this stream, we discuss Spring Security using the latest available version in 2022. We'll discuss configurations for authentication and authorization, tips and tricks, how to learn Spring Security, vulnerabilities, OAuth 2, and many more.

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First of all, thank you for this video series and your great exertion. You are a genuine and sensational teacher. You really know what you do and what you can provide us in your limited spare time. Your explanation is clear and your examples are detailed enough, I think. Again, thank you very much, and please do not stop teaching us :). We have got a lot to learn from you master! :).


Hello Laur, thank you for being not the "spring documentation" we have, but the "spring documentation" we need :D Following your tutorials I was able to finally (sort of) understand how this works and now I have a (sort of) working angular16-spring6 project with proper csrf and everything! Do you plan to make a video on miscellaneous filter chain settings? It would be really dope cause I'm not quite sure on my fundamentals when it comes to all the things I can mess around with in the securityFilterChain... I've managed to make some of them work in my project (spring db-served remember-me, and sessionmanagement), but I kinda just fiddled with them until they were good - it'd be wonderful to get an insight into them and unfortunately the lacking "spring documentation" does not explain these things as well as you do!


the best i learnt a lot from uu plz try to finish the playlist it's so helpfull


Hi Laur. Thanks for your videos. Please make a video on spring boot notifications(Websockets), and how to implement security for that.🙏


I tried using the new authorization server for a microservice project with the given samples. But nothing on how to use the API-gateway design pattern. with it! Anyways this may be the wrong place to write this down but thanks.


Hi Laur, great tutorial! I have following this playlist. It's so crystal clear until this lesson. This lesson is like a blackbox for me :) Can you please explain in detail how each part maps to the lesson 9 diagram. Fox example, when you use browser to generate authorization code, what is the browser's role in the lessen 9 diagram? and what is postman's role? what is our app's role? what those beans role in our app? thanks.


Thanks for the video, but the most important question, how impliment AuthenticationManager as a bien? I used ProviderManager but the code is very dirty, because in this case we have to inject ours filters into constructor.


dude you have good tutorials, but use dark mode of editor or less colrs, I cant see any code on screen Im blind from this setting


Thank you a lot sir. Please, is there the changes about the spring security architecture ?


What is the recommended way to restrict the URL? should I use requestMaters() in SecurityConfig or at method level in the controller


Can we implementation spring security oauth2 with webflux without webclient ?


What is the difference between mvcMatchers, AntMatcher and securityMatchers i think is still in spring Security 6?


Hi Laur, I've been watching your videos from Spring Fundamentals, Spring Data and now Security. I was wondering how can you say if a person is ready to apply for a job as a Spring dev? And what kind of portfolio/spring boot project an employer expects from you?

Thank you.


Hi Laur, great session. Also Can you explain if there is any alternative for Grant_type =password(this is deprecated currently) giving "unsupported_grant_type " error). How would we generate access token for an application which is service based and has no front End
