Makoto Shinkai's Disaster Trilogy (Your Name, Weathering with You, Suzume)

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Your Name (2016), Weathering with You (2019), and Suzume (2022); these are the three most recent films from writer and director Makoto Shinkai. After a career that spans over 25 years, these three films firmly secured Shinkai’s status as one of the most important figures working in the anime industry today, with all three films being among the top ten highest grossing Japanese films worldwide. The main reason for that is because they’re all great films, but, what if I were to tell you that there was another reason for their success. That reason is that they are all part of a trilogy, specifically a thematic trilogy.

In this video, I will be breaking down the trilogy in the hopes of understanding why they became some of the most successful anime films in recent memory. These are the films that make up Makoto Shinkai's Disaster Trilogy.

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#yourname #weatheringwithyou #suzume

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You're probably the first person to set the context of it being a trilogy, which basically eliminates the criticism of the films being too similar or the accusation of copying your name all over again. Seeing them as a theme with different character plots really makes sense!


My jaw dropped on the floor when i watched this video that did a really good job on exploring the themes in a really easy to understand way, only for my eyes to pan down and realise that you deserve more more like and comments, your explanation is so good i was shocked.


I haven't seen Weathering with You, but Your Name and Suzume are genuinely some of my favorite movies. There are very few movies that make me cry because of their pure unfiltered beauty, but these ones got me. I never connected the dots between the two and didn't even realize they were made by the same person/people.
I also didn't know about the real world connection to Tohoku. I didn't even know that tragedy happened. Thank you so much for informing me (and I'm sure others) about this tragic event and how, somehow, something beautiful still came out of it. <3


I have always hated the romance genre in movies….watching these 3 i have learnt to appreciate this genre…..


It's even further connected but less so with Garden of Words. The teacher talking about twilight is the same one who said she was "moving back home".


Garden of Words 2013, Your Name 2016, Weathering With You 2019 and Suzume 2022. If that makes any sense, then we will witness another masterpiece in 2025 hopefully.

Also I do wish that Sir Makoto have literally made these movies in such order to give us an endgame where all these characters stories of reunion or love life is shown while interacting with each other even if it is in another universe or same. An Endgame of love that surpassed the past, present and future. Seriously thinking about these only is giving me goosebumps 😂😂.. Sir Makoto is a mad genius ❤


Oh man, this is just the kind of analysis I needed


damn i really watched this makoto shinkai trilogy without knowing it was the same director for each film


While I was watching i really thought this was an incredibly popular channel, cue my surprise at seeing this only had 30 likes!

This sense that the films are interconnected was the prime selling point for me when my friend convinced me to watch them, and i believe it greatly influenced my watching experience against someone's who didn't know. After the movie marathon I kept getting this sense that yes, they were connected in a way that's not in the actual narrative unlike what my friend insisted, but I was never able to articulate that point. You, on the other hand, were able to expand on that idea beautifully. Your arguments were more than what I was expecting (including the edition note lol) and everything finally truly made sense.

Your scripting is phenomenal and the editing was also great. Many kudos to you!!!!


6:13 I’m still convinced these are Mitsuha’s friends since Your Name and Weathering With You are connected


Amazing analysis. Truly insightful and worth every second of listening. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the future!


Although I'm still a big fan of Shinkai's early works (Byousoku5Centimeter & Kumo no Mukou), I appreciate your insights in the newer films that didn't click with me. It makes much more sense now why these films were made...


i hope one day to have someone special to watch these with


Thank you for providing this perspective on the film. I actually really enjoyed Suzume, moreso than Your Name, but framing the three films as a trilogy really helped me better understand Makoto Shinkai’s vision better. I think there are a lot of reviews that are quick to dismiss Suzume as uninspired but I think these reviews (and myself as well prior to your video) unfortunately missed the interpretation you’ve put forth in this video essay. Thanks for the insight!


As a mega fan of Makoto Shinkai myself, this video gets an A+ and a 👍! Keep up the good work man


I watched Suzume in Japan right when it released. They handed us some goodies like postcards and a booklet with behind the scenes and making off information. If I remember correctly, the concept of these 3 movies as a trilogy was planned even in the early stages of Your Name. Only one of these movies was supposd to be dramatically different though, I cant remember and I sadly dont have the booklet anymore.


i was just about to rewatch weathering with you lol. I tried to watch your name, but i found it too confusing and therefore i didn't continue it, and i still haven't watched suzume yet. But, weathering with you really does resonate with me: I love everything from the story to the animation to the romance between hodaka and hina. The chase to get himano back and trying to revive her was one of the most tense scenes ive ever watched.


great video. newfound appreciation for these movies that i didnt initially like


imo hodaka was not being selfish. The old dude (the guy who told natsumi about the weather maiden's fate) says that there is nothing abnormal about the weather. It simply didn't make sense for 1 person to sacrifice themself for a few years of sunshine


Your Name Twist ♥️
Weathering With You Twist ❤️
