Sorting Disney Princesses Into Their Hogwarts Houses | Sarah Halina

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Last time it was Charmed Ones, this time it’s Disney Princesses. A lot of them were difficult to sort for different reasons, but I still tried.

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I love you're reasoning for putting Cinderella in Gryffindor. I've always seen her as a Hufflepuff though.

She is kind. Despite being raised in toxicity and abuse, Cinderella declared herself independent and strong-willed by remaining kind-hearted, not allowing the bitterness surrounding her life to overtake her and morph her into someone as cruel as her stepfamily.

She makes the most of her misfortunes by remaining optimistic of the possibilities of a brighter future, keeping herself preoccupied with enforced housework and friendly bonds.
She is hard-working, having done all the chores in the house and working hard to go to the ball as well as finding a way out of her room. She is a loyal, positive, and loving person with a strong moral code, and a sense of right and wrong. She is accepting of everyone and is willing to give people a second chance.

I do really like your pints for her being a Gryffindor.

A lot of people say it’s hard to sort Aurora because she sleeps for most of the movie and she only has 16 lines. I think we learn a lot about her from the little time we see her though, so it was extremely easy to sort her. Aurora is an obvious Hufflepuff because…

She is kind to everyone, she is shown to be nice to the fairies, her animal friends and prince Philip.

She is very loyal and honest especially to Fauna, Flora, and Merryweather. She usually obeys their rules respectfully, even though she may disagree with them. Look at the scene when she meets Philip, she was naturally startled and apprehensive since she was raised not to talk to strangers and then compromised in agreeing to talk to him by arranging to meet him at her cottage, under the supervision of the fairies. She then tells the fairies about her meeting instead of keeping it a secret.

Also, she's actually quite selfless and strong-willed. When Aurora finds out about her real background as a princess and realizes that she can't see Phillip anymore, she, although deeply upset, shows firmness and loyalty to those that she cares about. Aurora agrees to push her feelings away and do what is right. Hufflepuffs are known to do what is right.

Yes, Ariel is determined and ambitious to achieve her goal of being human no matter what the cost. She is creative and wants to gain knowledge about humans, but I think she does so by using Gryffindor traits

Remember, the only reason she went to Ursula and signed the contract was because she was manipulated and because she was mad at her father. This to me was more of an impulsive and reckless move. She acted before thinking and that is a Gryffindor trait. She is also much braver than determined and is a total rebel who doesn’t obey the rules. She is also very passionate especially for the human world and stands up for herself.

Basically, she is brave to the point of recklessness, going so far as to put herself in physical danger when making a deal with Ursula who she knows is not to be trusted. Has a general disregard for rules which is seen by her defying her father by going to the surface and saving Eric. She is fiery and can be short tempered as well as stubborn.

I thought Belle was a Gryffindor. She wants adventure, she is brave enough to take her father’s place and explore the castle, she is confident, outspoken, and doesn’t like being told what to do. However, after much research, I have to agree with her being a Ravenclaw.

You see, Belle has gained a significant amount of intelligence due to her love of books, which provided her with an elevated vocabulary, an active imagination, and an open mind. Her smarts and free-thinking attitude make her stand out from her fellow townspeople. She is also witty and uses this trait to her advantage to outsmart people. When in an argument with the Beast, Belle holds her ground and challenges each of the Beast's points with a cunning comeback. Another thing I noticed was that the reason she wanted to explore the castle was because she was curious and wanted to learn more about the castle. It wasn’t out of bravery but rather learning. Yes, she is brave, but she values intelligence. Ravenclaws are also well-known for encouraging individuality and are very accepting, Belle isn't a part of any crowd because she is her own person and is a free woman for her time, furthermore, she is accepting of the beast when he is nice to her.

Also, the screenwriter, actress, and filmmakers really wanted to emphasize the intelligent and book-loving aspects of Belle's personality.

Tiana is a Hufflepuff to me because she is hardworking and that is the thing, she values the most. Yes, she is ambitious but so are Hufflepuffs. She doesn't cut corners to get what she wants and isn't cunning at all. Tiana works hard to get her dream and is unafraid of toil. Hard work is all she believes in. She is also true and honest in her attempt to get her dream. Tiana doesn’t give the talisman to Facilier, even though it would be easier. Tiana is uncorrupted in her business and is just. Tiana is also loyal to her father in her determination to get his and her dream. She is also patient to put in the work of one day owning her restaurant.

Interesting choice to put Merida in Slytherin. I like your points although, Merida is extremely brave. She’s not afraid to break tradition and speak her own mind, she is quite headstrong as well. She is also portrayed as having a short temper and being impulsive.

I agree with Elsa being in Ravenclaw. If you want more proof, in other source materials she is shown be an intellect and diligent, especially in Frozen: A Sister More Like Me “I’d have loved to have a friend who knew geometry…” “I considered it my job to do what needed to be done…” Between the two sisters, Elsa is portrayed as being smarter, cautious, more mature, and rational compared to Anna. She appears calm, reserved, regal, graceful and poised at her coronation despite being anxious on the inside. She is creative, as shown when she creates things with her ice magic. She was curious about the voice/Fifth Spirit and wanted to learn about the origin of her powers as well as learn about the past. Ravenclaws are known for being on the introverted side, because they like time to reflect on their own thoughts and they sometimes prefer to be alone or with small groups rather than large crowds. This perfectly describes the Snow Queen.

Hufflepuff could work too since she is loyal, hard-working, and kind. When given a chance to rest and relent, Elsa's true, warm, kind, fun-loving, and innocently mischievous personality are shown. She has a generous disposition that contributes to her compassion towards her people. Elsa's actions are driven by the desire to protect her kingdom, and more intimately, Anna. Once over her fear, she works hard at mastering and controlling her powers. Hard work and loyalty are key to Elsa, and that makes her a Hufflepuff in my eyes.
