How To CREATE a DJ SET From Scratch For Beginners | with Transition Ideas

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DJ LiftOFF teaches you how to build a DJ Set from Scratch for Beginners! Included within the video are mixing techniques and transition ideas!

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Bro this a gem right here. This helped me out alot. I knew how to beat mix and do transitions just had no clue on how to set up a mix.


You need a lot of songs to plan sets like this. Not only do you have to gradually transition into different BPM's, you have to do the same thing with keys. You can get stuck in the 'neighborhood' of a key and its relative major or minor if you don't have enough songs in adjacent keys to work your way around the wheel - so to speak. You basically get painted into a corner and wind up just having to spin out or use effects to transition. And that's all good, but it goes to show that you need like 3 times the amount of songs you think you need to build a set.


I will be releasing a FULL VIDEO tomorrow where I talk through this entire set list while I go through it live to better understand my thought process as I'm DJ'ing.

Hope this video today helps. Please let me know under this comment!!


Very in-depth tutorial, Ive been DJing since 1999 and Im still learning! Thanks man!


Began using ur process early 80s w/vinyl. Always pulled 2-3 x/songs I'll need. Haven't used song pairs. Like it and will try it. Thanks! Do lots of open format. Use loops and hot cues for in/out. Def. use comments. Use Serato Flip to edit/cut length. Always look at key. I'm old-school - long beat matching mixes best in key. Pull beats from another song to extend mix time. Record on w/beats on controller, master in Audacity. Rarely do extreme BPM changes. Usually 4-5 BPMs max unless I'm in 135 BPM range. Been at this over 40 years. Everything you said/demo'ed is spot on.


I’m so glad I found your channel. You explain things in a way that doesn’t seem like you’re talking down to the less experienced, you include crucial details in basically every point you make, and I always leave your videos feeling like I have learned something.

Thank you for that! Subscribed


Best tutorial I’ve watched on Djing so far


Hey bro what up Hey i enjoy watching your video's because you get straight too the point while your demostrating what your doing by hands at the sametime you show and explain what your doing And i think thats what make your videos more simple and easy to learn more. Thanks Bro👍😎


Hey man I love your scratch tutorials, you're a great teacher. You know how people learn. Keep it up


Great video mate, really enjoyed it and it will help massively with my learning curve and understanding how to DJ . I will record a mix soon and post it. Thanks again


Sooo helpful! Currently watching this on my tv but haaaad to hop on my phone and leave a comment. Appreciate all your help and willingness to share💙


Man I've been listening to your tutorials for a couple months now and i have to say you have the best! I've been Djing and still learning for about a year now and i have a question, what is your general rule about switching genres? Do you play a certain amount of songs first before switching?


This was a very good video!! I love the way you explained everything so detailed and to the point. I would love to see more on doing set building for clubs and so on from all different angles such as a request is given and now you have to add that song that might not go with your set but your keep your crowd engaged and it's may or not be a hot so to you but more then 4 people asked for the same song. also keep up the awesome work 👏 💪🏾


Thanks so much for taking your time and effort to make this highly informative and recommendable video!!


When he dropped that first acapella over Ms NewBooty.... I thought it was dammmn thats

Then he says that is NOT a good one to choose. I was like damn😶



real good mate, i hav been searching for this kind of tutorial for a while now. so happy i can come back to this.


I agree you should have classes. While you kinda move quick on stuff for beginners you make it much easier to follow then 90% of others teaching.


Great tutorial! Appreciate the logic behind the methods. A lot of tutorials are informative with techniques but not the theories or ingredients you need to create the sets.💯👊🏿🔥🔥🔥


Thank you, Bro. Picking a vibe for mix, taking your time & pairing your tracks, and thinking about your entry and exit points was helpful. These have been things I’ve been slowly discovering on my own. It’s helpful to hear it from a Vet.


At the end of the video. The apple kept moving. I didn't realize those were your monitor screens, I thought that was the back of the monitors with an Apple sticker. Thought I was bugging
Great video!!!!
