VAKSIN MERAH PUTIH - Interview With Prof Herawati Sudoyo - Eijkman Institute (INDONESIAN LANGUAGE)

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Please note the interview was conducted in INDONESIAN LANGUAGE - Vaksin Merah Putih developed by the Eijkman Institute utilizing recombinant technology - an interview with Professor Herawati Sudoyo. The importance of knowing not only the virus RNA but also the genetic mapping of the host in this case a complete human genome sequencing of each ethnicity in relation to the spike protein of the virus. It is like a key and a lock.

Are they a perfect match? If they are, then that population is susceptible to this particular disease.

A very interesting point of view!

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Terima kasih, Pak Ben.
Sebuah informasi penting yang mencerahkan dan, yang penting, tidak memihak.
Selamat Hari Kartini


Ditunggu video selanjutnya om Ben..😸😸trima kasih kita jadi paham ttg virus ini😷😷


INDONESIAN LANGUAGE INTERVIEW - Vaksin Merah Putih developed by the Eijkman Institute utilizing recombinant technology - an interview with Professor Herawati Sudoyo. The importance of knowing not only the virus RNA but also the genetic mapping of the host in this case a complete human genome sequencing of each ethnicity in relation to the spike protein of the virus. It is like a key and a lock.

Are they a perfect match? If they are, then that population is susceptible to this particular disease.

A very interesting point of view!


Nanti bahas virus Ali Ba Ta pak Ben....


Oalah om orang indo ternyata... sering muncul di kompilasi react alip bata.. 😬🔥

Sukses Om Ben, great information btw on this one.. auto subscribe👍


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