ASP.NET Core Security with Azure Active Directory Tutorial | Trevoir Williams

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Learn how to integrate an ASP.NET Core application with security provisions from Azure Active Directory for Business Domain Support (B2B and customer facing applications (B2C).

Full Course: Microsoft Azure for .NET Developers
Learn how to host and optimize .NET applications using Microsoft Azure hosting and infrastructure services.

This Azure active directory tutorial will help you understand what is Azure active directory and we will compare both B2B and B2c authentication models. We will look at using PKCE authorization flow and see a demo on how Azure AD works in a .NET Core Application.

Azure active directory serves as a core infrastructure component. It authenticates and authorizes domain users, computers, and active directory aware applications. It stores management data that you can use to control user and computer setting by using group policy objects.

Now, let us get started and understand how Azure active directory works and what are its benefits.

00:00 - Introduction
00:35 - Azure AD (B2B) Tenant
02:00 - Register Application
06:55 - Create ASP.NET Core App
10:53 - Setup PKCE Authorization Flow
13:15 - Setup Azure B2C Tenant
14:01 - Setup User Flow Policy
17:35 - Register Application for Azure B2C
24:15 - Conclusion

#azure #dontnetcore #azuread

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