GET IN EARLY!🔥🔥| Why NVDA is Crashing

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Like & Subscribe if you made money today | New Buy Zones for NVDA after Earnings Beat and Stock Sell Off
* $108. 41 (Limit Buy Order)
* $92.20 (Limit Buy Order)


Strong BUY. Still early innings. NVIDIA is the dominant leader in AI and the preferred technology partner globally. Even w new competition on the horizon, NVIDIA is far ahead of the competition. 85% market share. 76% margin. Unrivaled demand for new Blackwell chip. Demand far exceeds production for Blackwell through to 2025 and beyond. No competitor has anything close to Blackwell. And forward P/E is about 33 (cheap for a high growth stock). Buy this stock and wait. You will be rewarded.


Hey man I just want to say thank you. I just made my first $5600 on a $7 sofi call.i did some stupid things when I was younger and had to do a couple yrs in prison. I was released on September 20 23 and have been trying to trade and live my life right. I've also been trying to learn options. Until I saw your videos I was lost. Thank you you are a blessing to other people and I think you are the best teacher. thanks God bless!


Great video! I really have a question. For someone with less than $5, 000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am looking at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. What's your take on this approach?


just sold part of my Nvidia stock to protect my profits, but I'm holding onto some for the long run because of the company's strong growth prospects. In addition, I'm thinking of expanding the variety in my $400K stock portfolio, but I'm not sure how to handle risks going forward.


Every crash/collapse brings with it an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass up to $1m amid economy crisis, and even pull it off easily in favorable conditions. Unequivocally, the collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich.


It was stupid of me to sell $76, 000 worth of NVDA stocks without reinvesting. (Buying bonds or CDs is not for me). I’d rather stay 100% cash, or are there any other investments that can outdo the growth of nvidia? I have 200k ready to be reinvested


Just watched your video discussing AWS39S and I am very excited about this


Bought AWS39S after watching your video, super excited! 💰


The key is risk analysis. The markets are and has always been unpredictable. Thus the important point is not how much one might make but what one could lose. trading and holding on speculative stocks/Crypto and even great stocks can test ones ability in the arena of our ability to control ones loss aversion bias…buy high sell low…The market is overvalued by almost all measures like the CAPE and Buffett indicator. Speculation is high with things like meme stocks (are they dead yet?), our kitty dude, Ai dreaming and all.... It is all about how much one can lose during times like these. Does that mean don't invest, of course not but one must access the risk and have a way out if the tide goes been engaged in active trading and managed to grow a nest egg of around 3.6B'tc to a decent 14B'tc....I'm especially grateful to Milton Harper, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


2morrow is going to be fun, just watch. You gets your FLOWERS, I'm on my way to your level


I failed Coach. I didn't listen. I bought into the hype and put my money into an NVDA call option for an increase from the earnings report. I'm down $620.00! The market slapped me and humbled me at the same time. This failure won't stop me but rather taught me a big lesson, to be more strategic (like you teach us all) and gamble less. It also made me super frustrated and emotional. I was greedy thinking I could make big money in one play. Damn that was a hard lesson! With that I am here to listen more intently. I am ready to be more disciplined in order to be successful. I am here to learn how to fish. Thank you for what you do here on YouTube. God Bless!


Appreciate you more than you know 🙏🏾 true blessing to the people 💯


A guy that I follow who has a paid subscription group, said to stay out of the market the last 48 hours, but U & your Discors kept hitting it out the park! I was shocked!😂 You're a God-send daily. 🙏🏾God bless U more and more. Amen.


I lost over $90k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $20k profits weekly.


Coach, may God bless you in your needs and goals for all you do for others. We appreciate you and can’t thank you enough. You are the main man 😊


Hey bro I made money on Tesla and nvda both where puts. TESLA did exactly what u taught us. I got nvda put at 121 and it's 118 now .Thanks Peace and blessings


Thanks for the advice! Got AWS39S, feeling bullish! 🚀


I watch Chris Sain, Stock Brotha, Kenan Grace, and Stocks with Josh. Those guys are awesome! 🔥 🔥 🔥


Dang 108 and 92. That's quite a range
