Beat the winter cycling blues

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This reminds me of the time I was out on a ride on my bike and I just realised I was not enjoying it at all. I pushed through the feeling and pressed on . Next ride I got the same feeling.
I took a break from the bike and found I didn’t miss it at all.
I eventually changed the way I ride...
Forget the data.
Ride at a slightly slower pace.
Take notice of the World around you
Ride with friends...its not about the bike
Keep it fun..
Cycling is about the experience not the gear.
Ok this will not win any races but it keeps me Happy .


For me having the option of getting my old dutch bike out of the shed and using it for really basic chores, commuting, and other small journeys is a good one. Cycling doesn't have to be "training" all the time and not needing lycra and cleats a nice fallback mentality, as you've said in previous vids Juliet. I enjoyed the tips!


I am new to watching this channel and find your approach and cheerful videos really great. My road bike is having an early Christmas break, but can’t wait for the better weather. I love your map reading, just think what you miss by going the right way! And what a great way to show off Devon!


The last tip is the most important one! Especially the part about not giving yourself a hard time about it. It also helps to stay off social media during that time too. One thing I found that helps me when the weather's not so good is to buy something new to try out, like a new jacket, layer or other piece of kit that I'd have wasted my money on if I didn't use it! 🙂


It's winter here I'm riding my indoor recumbent and enjoying your videos keep up the great content


Your videos are brilliant and inspiring. Thank you!


Great tips Juliet! I've found a couple of things that can help. 1) Do something different e.g. Running. You get a lot more aerobic workout for a shorter time and it will help you on the climbs when cycling. 2) Take the computer off the handlebars but still record the ride, assuming that you know where you are going. Ride according to how you feel and experience the flow. I always do this for my MTB rides.


Great video again. Just had achilles tendon surgery. Using your videos to keep me motivated . Have to be off the bike for 6 months. You have a great ability to keep us engaged with this sport. Thanks for being real.


I 've had some nagging injuries this year that have forced me off the bike for 2 weeks or more at a time. Super annoying for my compulsion. Out of desperatione, I started briskly hiking over the same trail system and came away with new insights about the lovely landscape that I rarely take the time to observe, and gained a better understanding of how the trails integrate with the landscape. I really enjoyed rediscovering fast-hiking. I'd forgotten how it's easier to produce heat and stay warm when on foot (ex runner) and now know I can get out there on the coldest of days and still enjoy it, even off the bike! I'm determined to ride through the winter (newly retired) and rode in 3" of new snow this morning on said trails - it was a gas! I'm stoked, and can actually thank my time off from the bike for the occasion to widen my horizons. A win-win!


Great tips! Taking time off is soooo hard because it seems it’s a negative but your concept of coming back fresher and refreshed I never considered! I have for years set out my kit night before so with you on that one. Cheers!


That last tip is probably the best advice and doesn’t just apply to cycling 👍great advice there is nothing worse than resenting your hobby or work ✊


My tip is cross training. I got heavily into cycling in May this year and have spent what I can on the best bike for my budget and all the little extras such as lights, bags, tools, and some clothes. However, I dont have lots of warm and waterproof stuff, and with working 9-5 and the days being shorter, I've decided to run more through the winter. I dont have any cycling friends at the mo, but do have a running buddy and that helps with motivation😊


Your videos are very refreshing! Thank you for sharing.


Thankyou J' I feel better after listening to your cheery advice!! I swear you & Dave are keepin me sane, and happy, it can get gloomy! We can also just take a casual low energy ride!🤗


Great channel by the way. You have a lovely family and your authenticity is great. Winter down in the south west is tough!! I say that as Cornwall cyclist and it is really hard to get the motivation sometimes is difficult. One tip from me is to get a coach - it’s great to have someone else to be accountable to.


Love it. Full of beans !!😁. Thanks for your enthusiasm and positivity !!!


I entirely agree with the idea of meeting up with a friend for a ride, especially in the US rainy Pacific Northwest (similar to England's rain, having worked in Swindon for 6 months I can speak in confidence) helps to motivate during the Winter blues, great reminder and now I need to phone a friend, LOL.


Juliet, your smile and positivity is all the encouragement I need👍 Look forward to your videos every week, keep it up😊 I might even manage a little Saturday morning ride to clear my head, maybe 😽🤞


I love your videos and energy, so many videos on youtube from the old country, with exotic accents! I am jealous that you can cycle without snow and ice in winter even though you are well north of Ottawa the coldest capital city in the world. So you got nothing on us for winter cycling blues. I got gardening blues too when i see the growing season you have over there


Watching this on my trainer rn! Juliet, yr vids are high spot in my week. Thx! 🙏🚵🏻‍♀️
