Building In & Building Out: Lessons Learned from Deep Energy Retrofits

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Maine Passive House (MPH) has used two different strategies in retrofitting existing homes. One strategy involves adding insulation to the outside of the building; the other strategy is to add insulation to the inside of the building. Most projects involve a mix of the two strategies. Along with added insulation and eliminating thermal bridging, MPH increases air tightness, installs high performing windows and doors, and adds mechanical ventilation systems in their projects.

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This was great. Like Jesper, I have been doing a little at a time but started off doing it the wrong way. So I ended up in analysis paralysis around if I should tear everything off and start over. Rip off the vinyl siding that went up so far, replace the double-pane windows with triple. But not cost effective, daunting to start over. So I think I'm leaning towards just pulling the siding off, adding CI (was leaning towards mineral wool - expensive), and trimming them out as innie windows. Then add some kind of interior storm that pops into a deeper window bay as a result of adding couple more inches to the interior with horizontal battens and Intello. I don't think the chainsaw retrofit is a practical thing for one person to do. Hoping to win the lottery! A thing I've been starting to look into is recycled EPS. So EPS that would otherwise go into a landfill. I guess it might be cost effective but unsure if there's any way of telling if it's been treated with borates.
