Learn Live - Design and make your Power App like a pro

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You’ve identified the problem that you're trying to resolve, and you’ve focused on creating a project plan to deliver that solution effectively. Now, your next task is to design the app. Next, you'll use the available tools to help make your design a reality.


Learning objectives

- Analyze the different tasks to be done when using the app.
- Prepare the specifications and designs of your app.
- Decide what the user experience will be.
- Set up data sources.
- Create a solution.
- Set up automation and make your app more secure.


00:00 - Introduction
07:27 - Learning objectives
07:59 - Design your data structure
12:25 - Determine which type of app to make
15:09 - Determine the placement of logic
22:53 - Secure the data
26:17 - Knowledge check
33:55 - Summary of section
34:49 - Demo - Make your application like a pro
58:12 - Managed solution and unmanaged solution
1:26:50 - Knowledge check
1:30:01 - Summary and conclusion



Gomolemo Mohapi
Cloud Advocate

Someleze Diko
Cloud advocate


Bruno Capuano
Senior Cloud Advocate
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