What is Confluent | Jay Kreps (CEO, Confluent)

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How Confluent Works (or What does Confluent do)
Confluent’s founders are the original creators of Apache Kafka, which is estimated to have been used by over 70% of the Fortune 500. Its cloud-native offering is the foundational platform for data in motion – designed to be the intelligent connective tissue enabling real-time data, from multiple sources, to constantly stream across the organization
Who uses Confluent?
The rise of data-in-motion is a worldwide phenomenon, impacting every industry, every geography, and every type of company. It is fast becoming a foundational part of the modern tech stack. Today, Confluent powers countless use cases big and small. From e-commerce, logistics, and financial services, to global fraud detection and autonomous cars. Confluent powers real-time customer experiences and data-driven operations, opening new use cases across every industry.
#datainmotion #apachekafka #kafka #confluent
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