RegEx Tutorial - How to Use RegEx

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Regular Expressions are patterns that are used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, RegEx are also objects. In this RegEx tutorial, we show you how to use RegEx in JavaScript so that you can get started right away with using this powerful tool in your code.

Watch this video to learn:

- What is RegEx
- RegEx and String methods
- Practical uses for RegEx
Рекомендации по теме

I have requirement.i need regular expression.
I have inputtext box. in that i need to validate string what user given. The valid format of the string like this-> 1).1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5 so on...
2).1 AND ((2 AND 3) OR 4) so on...
simply, the string should follow 'formula expression validation' it should have only proper close and open braces, and contains digits, AND, OR charecters only. please reply... thanking you.
