Learn Terraform with Google Cloud Platform – Infrastructure as Code Course

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Learn how to use Terraform and Infrastructure as Code to deploy a website to Google Cloud Platform.
✏️ Course developed by @rishabincloud
⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(00:00) Introduction to Project
(02:25) Setting Up Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
(08:31) Installing Terraform and setting up the directory
(10:44) Writing Terraform Code
(25:34) Deploying Google Storage Bucket to GCP
(29:44) Adding other resources in Terraform
(31:24) Custom Domain Configuration
(44:39) Deploying remaining resources to GCP
(49:44) Terraform Destroy and gitignore
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan
✏️ Course developed by @rishabincloud
⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(00:00) Introduction to Project
(02:25) Setting Up Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
(08:31) Installing Terraform and setting up the directory
(10:44) Writing Terraform Code
(25:34) Deploying Google Storage Bucket to GCP
(29:44) Adding other resources in Terraform
(31:24) Custom Domain Configuration
(44:39) Deploying remaining resources to GCP
(49:44) Terraform Destroy and gitignore
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan
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