Metaphysics: Act & Potency Distinction

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This is the second video in my metaphysics series and in it, we will be looking at the Act/Potency distinction. I will cover what this means, why it's important, and some technicalities of it. I hope you guys enjoy this video and let me know of any topics you want me to cover next. Also, feel free to send a comment down below to engage with everyone. I just ask that you comment in a respectful manner to everyone.
References/Further Readings
A Defense of Classical Theology (Part 5): Change and the Act-Potency Distinction
Introduction to Metaphysics Part II: Act, Potency, and God
The Last Superstition - Edward Feser
Act & Potency T-Shirt - SES
References/Further Readings
A Defense of Classical Theology (Part 5): Change and the Act-Potency Distinction
Introduction to Metaphysics Part II: Act, Potency, and God
The Last Superstition - Edward Feser
Act & Potency T-Shirt - SES
Metaphysics: Act & Potency Distinction
The Act-Potency Distinction In 60 Seconds | Philosophy In (Almost) 60 Seconds
Act and Potency (Aquinas 101)
A Defense of Classical Theology (Part 5): Change and the Act-Potency Distinction
Theism and the Act/Potency Distinction
The Scholastic Distinction Between Act and Potency and the Ontology of Causal Powers in Feser
Introduction to Metaphysics Part II: Act, Potency, and God
Form and Matter (Aquinas 101)
4. Act, potency and the principles of accidental change
Being and Metaphysics (Aquinas 101)
Classical Metaphysics: Aquinas - Esse/Actus Essendi/Act of Existence
The Real, Formal, and Virtual Distinctions [Scriptum #11]
Introduction to Metaphysics Part III: Substance, Accident, Essence
Aristotle’s distinction between actuality and potentiality
Metaphysics F2020 Aristotle Potentiality and Actuality
The Real Distinction (Aquinas 101)
Metaphysics: Essentially & Accidentally Ordered Causal Series
Metaphysics: Being
“Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Part 2” – Ancient Philosophy, Video 24
Aristotle on Potentiality and Actuality in Metaphysics Theta
Essence and Existence (Aquinas 101)
2 Act and Potency
Metaphysics of the First Way of St. Thomas Aquinas