How to create a QUEUE in Roblox (2024)

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This is a quick start guide using the provided scripts and is in no way a direct solution to your game.

It would be best if you learned how to customize it yourself and I hope to see where your creativity can lead you with Forbidden.

Please look into the Queue's information (info script) to see all functions available if you plan to utilize your own scripts.


- MatchFound(plrs) returns a table of players that you can teleport and create a match with.

- RequestedJoin() fires when the client attempts to join the queue.
- RequestedLeave() fires when the client attempts to leave the queue.
- MatchFound(plrs) fires when a match involving the client is found and returns all players including the client.

/!\ Stay safe. Scripts with HTML code or other malicious code could infect your games. Please keep HTML access off, Forbidden will never request it. /!\

Рекомендации по теме

yo this goated bro ik i can obviously but you know how i could change it from like a gui to 2 parts? like 2 people getting on parts then get teleported


Nice work.Can you tell me how it works
