I Found Out About My CANCER From A Miscarriage!

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McKenzie Erickson shares her journey after being diagnosed with stage 3c2 cervical cancer at just 26 years old. Her story begins with a devastating miscarriage that led to unexpected and severe pain, which doctors initially dismissed until further testing revealed the shocking truth.

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That baby saved your life. God bless you!


May God bless you with a long & joy filled life! My mother's breast cancer was found as the result of a miscarriage. She had a radical double mastectomy at 28 & bled out during her reconstruction surgery, was flat lined for almost 10 mins on the operating table before they brought her back. A few months later she became pregnant with me. I will turn 52 tomorrow & my mom just turned 82. Back then it was absolutely unheard-of for a woman to survive breast cancer & later get pregnant & deliver a healthy baby. We made it into textbooks & Medical journals of the day.
May your life, like my mother's, be filled with many years of happiness & the ability to share your story of triumph with thousands who cross your path ❤


God bless you stay strong. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at 23. I had a few procedures done, and then when I went back for my five week check up I was pregnant with my only son my last child. During my check up when we realized I was pregnant, my gynecologist spoke with me and said that we could terminate the pregnancy and start treatment right away or continue with the pregnancy and see how it would go. I was at high risk and had a lot of complications. Thank God my son was born healthy and thriving. At 25 after much consideration, we decided we weren’t going to have more children and I had a hysterectomy . We saved one ovary. I’ve been cancer free since.


I lost my son at 20 weeks gestation to preterm labor. A week later, i was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, and it was very dangerous. They figured out my blood cancer caused a blood clot in the placenta. Had i never been pregnant, we wouldn't have found it in time. My angel saved my life, i just wish i could have saved his💔


Cancer is a monster and something nobody wants to go through. Medical treatment has come a long way. It’s no longer a firm death sentence. 2019 I was treated for stage 3c1 endometrial cancer. One surgeon gave a zero survival option. Another surgeon said I’ll do the surgery no problem. 5 years later I’m still here to harass my friends and family. Stay strong and positive. Wishing you everything good!


God please put your arms around this beautiful young lady and heal her. Amen!


Blessings! This also happened to my best friend. She had a miscarriage and found out she had kidney cancer. Her miscarriage saved her life. 🙏🏻


I was married 3 months. I got breast cancer and had both breast removed in 2021. You got this.


Baby Angel saved mommy's life ❤🙏
Baby Angel was too precious to be on this earth.... Baby is in the Lord's Kingdom 🙏


I had stage 3 pancreatic cancer at 62. No pain, so I didn't know I had it. I feel really good now. You will get through this. You're strong. Be positive about this whole thing.


I had breast cancer @ 40, double mastectomy and forced menopause with 10 years of oral chemo and injections. It ruined parts of me but I'm still alive and God willing I will walk again. May your God bless you, give you strength and love.


Stay Postive I went through colon cancer. I'm in remission. I had 5 weeks of radiation and chemo. I thank God every day. Prayers


Something about this young lady radiates love and I wish her and her husband a long happy life together 🤍


I think stories like these shows so beautifully a woman can experience agony. Like she went about her days living with the amount of pain you can associate with DYING OF CANCER, and the grief she felt for her pregnancy was so great... She didn't question the amount of pain she was in. 😢 AND yet she was getting up every day and living her life


Poor baby, stay strong you can make it! God give her strength...


This poor woman! That miscarriage saved her life. She’s so strong for enduring this!❤


That baby loved you so much, it gave its life for you! God bless you both!
I was diagnosed a week ago. My journey has just begun. I’m 73 and I don’t know if the fight is worth it.


I love that the mom respected that the husband should tell her ❤


This must be terrifying for someone so young. The pain of a miscarriage, and then a cancer diagnosis on top. I hope she made a full recovery.


You fight for your life with all your might. For you, for your mom, for your dad & your husband. Praying for you.
