Psalm 51 - Restoration of a Broken and Contrite King

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Psalm 51, as G. Campbell Morgan states, is a "...great song, pulsating with the agony of a sin-stricken soul [that] helps us to understand the stupendous wonder of the everlasting mercy of our God."
Join us as Pastor David Guzik speaks on this painful yet wonderful psalm.

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Thank you pastor David. I love this Psalm. You have explained it in detail. King David's deep awareness of murder and adultery and many months of unconfessed sin made him miserable. A broken and a contrite heart he offered to God. Such an amazing Psalm !


Jesus son of the most high God i adore you l love you i glorify your mighty name.Praise you Jesus thank you Jesus love you Jesus 🙏


The hyssop leaf 🍃 📖 WOW! What a magnificent blessing from God.


To offer animal sacrifice without broken hearts and obedience is like offering God a drink with an empty glass.

Thank you for the enduring word.


This video begs a question, "What was wrong with David's relationship with God prior to the sin with Bathsheba and against Uriah? Was David at that point less than clean before God? What then was lacking in his relationship or fellowship with God before he did all this evil?" and further was David Saved in the eternal sense before he transgressed in this manner? How did David handle his sins and transgressions before he had sinned in this manner? If David had never been tempted in this manner and/or transgressed in this manner would he have been less clean before God? Was his love for God and pursuit of God any less then than after this horrible transgression happened?" @26:17 Would the pollution in the nature left by original sin have remained if David had not sinned or rather sinned not? 1 John 2:1 Was the joy of David's original pre-lapsed salvation less, more, or equal to the joy of David's restoration? Then equally baffling to me was David's later sin of census taking and the effect it had on him? Why was there no additional Psalm written over this scandal also? Was this scandal not more destructive to the nation of Israel than was even King David's sin with Bathsheba? Then there is also the result that King David finally took Bathsheba as a wife and God was later OK with that union which produced Solomon. It appears that after God condemned David's transgression and forgave it then God after taking the offspring of David's transgression away from David then sanctified the union of David and Bathsheba. How does all that work?


I was rudely interrupted by the thief who has my I pad


Thank you for your love for God and your sermons. God knows my many sins. My sins were so great that depression nearly killed me. I have been told by certain Christians that I was going to hell because of my adultery and remarriages. I felt God could never love me again or forgive me. I cried out to God and told God I had sinned against Him greatly. I am so sorry I hurt my Lord but also angered Him. I asked God to forgive me of my adultery and all other sins. I do not know how merciful and forgiving God is towards all my sins and failures. I pray God will show me someday and that He will bring back my joy for God. Jesus is my only hope for eternal life in Jesus and I hope and pray I will experience His Love in heaven. I am not worthy to be loved by God but He is worthy to be loved by me. I am thankful God lead me to your sermons. God bless you and your family!


Your teachings and commentaries really bless me; thank you. Glory to God!


Thank you Pastor David for explaining King David sincere confession toward his Creator, Great High Priest will purge all his transgressions by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ once and for all.


Excellent video! David Guzick is my favorite bible commentary teacher!


I have been blessed.
Now I need to go back to chapter one because I started on ch 15 a few weeks ago.
Also, I made a PowerPoint video on this subject verse 5.


Amen! One of my favorite psalms! God bless you and your family, Pastor Guzik.


Your teaching has opened my eyes. Thank you for your obedience in sharing and breaking down the word the way you do.


Pastor Guzik, if you get this message I want you to know what I enjoy about your ministry is going through your preaching verse by verse, no cute stories to get your point across. This is missing in so many different Bible studies and sermons of other people I have listened to. Many thanks.


Thank you for this video, it made me realise how God turn our brokeness to be close to him. I hope you realise how much this Psalm Bible study has helped me through so many difficulties in my life.


I acknowledge my transgressions and my Sin is every before me forgive me from my iniquity I want to repent


I love every way you explain this psalms but I know that some parents teach their children to on the street when they are sending them to


Read john 5:3 and the spirit of the Lord will strengthen your message God Bless you


Wonderful lesson, thank you very much


Idk pastor David, he keeps hinting at his parents being a bit on the dysfunctional side. Lol
