Serial Killers Ranked by Kills - Worst Serial Killers

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In this video, we made a list of Serial Killers Ranked by Kills - Worst Serial Killers

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Killing 218 people is something unbelievable 🤔


I'm astounded that Jack the Ripper only killed 5 and given so much attention and acclaim while Harold Shipman killed 218 and I never heard of him.


Can you imagine how many hundreds aren’t on the list (undiscovered)???


Вот бы их всех на один необитаемый остров и посмотреть, как бы они охотились друг на друга) Это бы было самое популярное шоу)


Pedro Lopez, Colombia, pretended to be a priest and murderered 300 children, I don't think this list is complete


Peter Kurten... crazy final words at his execution. "Tell me... after my head is chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be the pleasure to end all pleasures."


Moses Sithole. Considering that in South Africa they speak english, its no wonder he became a serial killer, with that last name.


Shipman was a GP. He was getting away with it for years by targeting his elderly patients, he'd get little old Women to leave money and things to him in their wills. When they died because they were mostly old he would put down natural causes so no one hardly looked into it, some relatives of the dead caught on and some doctors suspected something but the cops were just like they were old. Old people die of natural causes all the time. When he was finally caught it turned out he'd been robbing them on house visits as well as through their wills. He stole things like jewellery he gave to his Wife, money he could find etc and he was using all the money he got from killing them to seem like a lovely guy by taking his family on holidays, buying them nice things and that sort of stuff. (It shows you can't even trust your family doctor)


Missing the Yorkshire Ripper at 13 victims


Ed gein never killed eleven ppl. He killed two and robbed 9 graves.


Forgot to add Dennis Rader-(BTK killer)


The people to really worry about are not on the list….


100% went to the comments expecting to see "I can fix her"


As my school teacher always said: Everybody is good at something.


Imagine the one's in third world countries that never got caught because of the lack of law enforcement organization


Всю жизнь жил с мыслью, что главный это Чикатило)
Хотя он даже не в лидерах, среди русских маньяков.
Иронично, что больше всего маньяков из США, но главный маньяк по жертвам из списка- англичанин. Вот уж нежданчик.


Gary Ridgway: “I’m the most prolific serial killer you could ever imagine!”
Harold Shipman: “Hold my ale.”


Ed Gein committed his murders in the 1950's and died of respiratory failure in a mental hospital in 1984.


I know some of those stories. The basic, you know, Ed Kemper, Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Jack the Ripper. However, none of these cases gets NEAR Pedro Rodrigues Filho, or Little Pedro the Killer. That dude was a monster, and got to know death in a much more intimate manner. I seriously don't know how we don't have a blockbuster out of that dude story by now. I'll tell some of it briefly here. So, dude was born in the countryside, which was easier to get guns in Brazil apparently. IIRC, his first victim was his cousin after a silly, silly argument regarding a toy. After that, Pedro threw his cousin in the sugar grinder. Just so you know, Pedro was thirteen at the time. Wait, you didn't get the willies? Check this. Pedro's cousin wasn't dead after the sugar grinder. So Pedro grabbed a falchion and finished him, THEN threw what was left of the cousin in the sugar grinder. Man. That makes me sick to my stomach. There were several equally iconic deaths, Pedro got a different look on death itself. Sometimes he would claim that a "trace of black smoke" would leave the body, also one time he survived a knife ambush in a prison bus, when they were changing him from one prison to the other, but the guards were bribed in a set-up, so Pedro had to fight for his life versus eight dudes. Pedro killed five of them, the other three were hospitalised, Pedro himself barely got out of that fight alive with several deep knife wounds, stayed unconscious for one entire day, then in the next he was doing rope jumping and cold baths, pretending to be drinking medicine and throwing it away, sometimes the doctor would force him to drink it, then in secrecy he would drink his own piss (Pedro told the press that urine cancels most of medicine effects) I mean what a villain! Scary dude, man, what a monster. That's the worst name in this list for me, that's for sure.


3:25 why that guy got a different knife than the others?

Does noticing it make me a psycho?
