Snickers Frozen Yogurt. I'm addicted!!! 😋 Recipe pinned in comments.

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OMG, I'm addicted y'all!!! 😋😋😋
I've seen some versions of this snickers yogurt floating around, so I thought I'd try my own, and now I can't stop.
I use a low sugar/high protein yogurt to make me feel better about the chocolate and caramel sauce I added. 🤣 (The Magic Shell hardens in the freezer)
And bonus, it doesn't hurt my stomach like ice cream does, so it's a keeper! 🥳
Would you try this???❓️

Here's how I made this snickers yogurt:

1. Peel the lid back on any flavor of yogurt (I like low sugar/high protein vanilla, like Ratio Protein and Two Good...coconut is also good).
2. Stir in a teaspoon of peanut butter (crunchy is good for more snickers texture).
3. Drizzle any flavor Magic Shell.
4. Drizzle caramel sauce.
5. Sprinkle with cocktail peanuts.
6. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt.
7. Replace the lid and freeze for 15 minutes until Magic Shell hardens. (Longer if you want a frozen yogurt, and you can wait that long.)
8. Break into that shell, enjoy, and become addicted!


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So much for healthy yogurt lol. Should just buy Snickers ice cream at this point lmao
