watch how do train track switches work

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watch how do train track switches work
To make a train change its track, a special mechanical arrangement is made. This arrangement is known as a railroad switch and it consist of pair of rails, known as switching rails or points, that are linked to one another, If it is locked the train will change the track. If it is open, it will go straight-through.
how do train track switches work
Where the tracks diverge are two movable pieces of rail called points between the outer rails. (The British usually refer to the whole switch as points.) One end is tapered and shaped to fit tightly against the outside rail. The points are pivoted at the other end. Near the moving end they are connected with a throw rod which links them to a mechanical device that provides the lateral motion. As one point moved to one outer rail, the other point is pulled away from its rail. The point directs the flanges on the wheels to the proper route. At the other end of the switch, where the rails cross, is an arrangement of rails with gaps allowing the flanges to cross the other rail. This is called the frog. Any similar arrangement of rails is called a frog, such as where one track crosses another without connection. Alongside the rail opposite the frog is a short length of rail called a guard rail. It helps to guide the wheels on the outside rail.
changes track at crossing,
Most railroads restrict speed through a switch to avoid the chance of a derailment. Track switches for high-speed trains are specially designed to take the extra force and require frequent attention.
how train change track
In the early days of railroading there was another type of turnout called a stub switch. These were widely used until the latter part of the Nineteenth Century. In this switch, the whole rail was moved. Again, a diagram makes it easier to understand.
To make a train change its track, a special mechanical arrangement is made. This arrangement is known as a railroad switch and it consist of pair of rails, known as switching rails or points, that are linked to one another, If it is locked the train will change the track. If it is open, it will go straight-through.
how do train track switches work
Where the tracks diverge are two movable pieces of rail called points between the outer rails. (The British usually refer to the whole switch as points.) One end is tapered and shaped to fit tightly against the outside rail. The points are pivoted at the other end. Near the moving end they are connected with a throw rod which links them to a mechanical device that provides the lateral motion. As one point moved to one outer rail, the other point is pulled away from its rail. The point directs the flanges on the wheels to the proper route. At the other end of the switch, where the rails cross, is an arrangement of rails with gaps allowing the flanges to cross the other rail. This is called the frog. Any similar arrangement of rails is called a frog, such as where one track crosses another without connection. Alongside the rail opposite the frog is a short length of rail called a guard rail. It helps to guide the wheels on the outside rail.
changes track at crossing,
Most railroads restrict speed through a switch to avoid the chance of a derailment. Track switches for high-speed trains are specially designed to take the extra force and require frequent attention.
how train change track
In the early days of railroading there was another type of turnout called a stub switch. These were widely used until the latter part of the Nineteenth Century. In this switch, the whole rail was moved. Again, a diagram makes it easier to understand.