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All the world's a stage.

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Me: “No way could I trust the government less than I already do.”

4th PSYOP Group: “hold my beer”


"It's easier to fool people, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


When you realize the target they're referring to in the video is you.


Song: "Last Goodbye" by Eric Kinny (feat. Danica Dora)
Cartoon: Betty Boop Snow White (1933)
0:25 image Beijing, Commentary of Tianmen Square protests in 1989 (could not find original source)
0:29 Berlin (synagogue at left, Alexanderturm straight ahead)
"Tear down this wall!", Ronald Reagan on June 12th 1987 in Berlin at the Brandenburger Tor
0:38 USSR weighted chess pieces from the 1950s
0:41 generic pine forest in northern hemisphere (maybe Brandenburg/Germany?)
0:48 Ghost Army insignia
0:56 Berlin subway
1:00 city in USA (probably New York City with those water towers on the roofs)
1:04 Louisiana (actually, no idea)
1:09 military parade in Beijing, October 1st 2019
1:15 probably Parade in USSR
1:18 Times Square news ticker with CGI 2022 headlines (reflections do not match)
1:37 Ferguson 3210 reel tape recorder
1:38 The Big Picture Episode 206 - Truth is our defense (voice Carl Zimmerman)
1:49 BOLEX 18-5 L Super projector
1:52 colors of Russian flag?
1:58 Electro Voice 635 microphone
1:59 very fake evensdropping studio with vitange equipment and modern 27" monitor
2:02 oil/acrylic color? Too thick paint for asian calligraphy, also western style brush
2:04 most probably reference to operation Mincemeat at the Spanish coast
2:10 Dome of Rock (Jordan) on photo in background
2:39 Berlin subway, station "Stadtmitte" at 6.46 (probably a.m.)
2:54 riotpolice Euromaidan Ukraine 2014 (Alpha Bank in background)
3:00 Place de la Kasbah, Tunis December 2010/January 2011
3:02 Berlin wall November 1989
3:03 task force La Fayette leaflet drop Kapisa province Afghanistan 2010
3:05 protesters Hong Kong 2019/2020
3:06 riot police in Hong Kong in front of Legislative Council in 2019
3:09 Euromaidan Ukraine 2014
3:13 Ghost Army tipping over inflatable tank in WWII
3:14 Tian’anmen square June 4th, 1989
3:16 see 3:20
3:19 Berlin wall November 1989 in front of Brandenburger Tor
3:20 Firdos Square, Bagdad, Iraq, toppling of Saddam statue on April 9th, 2003
3:21 capture of Ghaddafi on October 20th, 2011

Updated with hints from comments by @Okitsu Ichiro, @Suzanne Llewellyn, @Jonathan Szeto, @Preston Coolidge


"Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant" - great cover for some of our recent inexplicable PT scores.


You know we’re about to enter a major global conflict when recruiting commercials look like COD intros.


“Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.”
― Bruce Lee


"If you like your color revolution, you can keep your color revolution."


Everything is a weapon. Even this video.


"WE ARE MASTERS OF DECEPTION. Also everything we don't like is misinformation lol." - Raytheon Ministry of Truth


“Many people dedicate their lives to actualizing a concept of what they should be like, rather than actualizing themselves.
This difference between self-actualization and self-image actualization is very important. Most people live only for their image”
― Bruce Lee


"What if we just hired 4chan?"
"But how? How!?"
"Okay, well that Joker movie was a hit with them, what if we did that?"


"To subdue an enemy without firing a shot, is the mark of a true warrior."

Sun Tzu


Everyone is a combatant in 5th generation warfare. Your mind is the ravaged battlefield.

I see the greatest danger of such a war is not having your pulse stop, but to discover that you are not yourself.


Damn. This video hit in an uncomfortable way.

COD civilians have no idea. Been in for 15 years, and this video really got me.


Finally saying the quiet part out loud. WE are the targets just as much as an enemy. Question everything. Think for yourselves without the sphere of societal or social media influence.


They hired a really good editor for this.
Professional grade emotional manipulation.
Of the audience.
Ghosts, indeed.


This is a creepy, disturbing, and completely brilliant video. If people get nothing else out of this video, hopefully they understand the benefit of not taking everything at face value. There was a time when the saying, "Question everything" was popular. Today, however, we live in a society where very few people are interested in the truth, but only in confirmation of what they already believe. It's why memes, YouTube/TikTok videos, Social Media, and pretty much every other form of media and communications are so effective, very few people even think of verifying what they read or hear, if it confirms their views, they accept it as the truth, repost, or spread the information to others just like them. Psyops, or anyone with a goal or agenda must find it very easy to manipulate people in today's world. The US isn't the only nation doing it.
If, as Shakespeare wrote, and the video quoted, "All the world's a stage ( and all the men and women merely players)", then the purpose is to make the play seem real, but the story was created by the writer and implemented by the director. The players are merely guided by the script.
"Question everything" is always great advice, especially when you question your own views and beliefs.


The cartoon portion is made from a technique called rotoscoping in which the artist traces over real life footage frame by frame. Koko the clown was the first time this was used to create a more fluid motion. They filmed a man dancing around in a clown costume in front of a white sheet. It changed the game at the time, vicarious after images drawn and pieced together. Like the ghost of the man they filmed.


“War is a Racket” - General Smedley Butler USMC
