Lupus and Social Security Disability

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Social Security disability judges recognize that autoimmune diseases such as lupus can disable a person under SSA's rules.

Social Security defines disability in terms of a claimant's ability to perform a simple, entry-level job reliably. Limited by fatigue, soreness in joints, sun sensitivity and other symptoms, a lupus patient who experiences frequent flareups or whose symptoms are severe has a good chance at an approval.

In this video I discuss how I approach lupus cases, the arguments I use and the evidence that helps me win these cases.

If you would like to learn more about lupus and SSDI, please feel free to contact me.

=============== FREE SURVIVAL KIT ================
Don't know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =============
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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Very helpful. I have lupus, fibromyalgia and diabetic.


I have lupus and i just got my letter i was approved😄


I was checked for it today because of all my health issues I have and chronic kidney diease


I have suffered from lupus since 2009 at age 19. I have the rashes, tooth decay, aching bones, fatigue, weight loss, depression, memory loss, hair loss, just about every symptom besides organ failure. None of my rheumatologist take it seriously although just looking at me, it’s clear. They keep saying because of my age, I will somehow get better. Like what? I’ve been denied ssi, and Ssdi 6 times!! I’m finally got a lawyer and still no results after 2yrs now. I’m 32 and a single mother of a 4yr old. I also take care of my elderly grandfather being that my mother passed away when I was just a teenager. Difficult is truly an understatement. I’m starting to believe that my it’s not just my age, but my race that is making these doctors completely ignore all evidence b4 them. I’m loosing it honestly. Just wanted to get that off. My heart goes out to my fellow sisters and brothers suffering.


I have lupus and everything he talks about I have it is terrible and I sleep for days I do get ssi and disability income I know I'll never get better and I know my end is sooner then later I just pray my kids don't get this because lupus is genetic


I am only able to work 1/2 days, even that I am puking at work and half to try and push through.

I dont know where to go from here, I cant work, but need to pay Bill's

Can I get any help in ontario


I’ve got diagnosed with lupus on December of 2022 I’ve developed kidney failure and also have another problem called macrophage activating syndrome I have extreme fatigue and chronic joint and muscle pain that makes it hard to get out of bed majority of the days my rheumatologist stated on my notes that I said I have extreme fatigue and been in the er due to flare ups and she also brought up that I have a home health caregiver, I also suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks for many years and it has currently gotten even worse due to this new condition I finally started therapy and got diagnosed with Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder September 2023 and my therapist stated on my notes that I said I have a lot of panic attacks and depression due to my lupus flares and etc.. Only thing is I’m only 22 could I still be eligible even at this age?


Lupus is a horrible disease and i found out this year that I've had it for alongtime and they suspected this when i was younger but i was never tested and i was tested this year 4 times and by my neurologist ( kidney dr) and also my rhuenoatologist and my regular dr or should i say nurse practitioner and because i can't work I've got to go thru my state clinic and it's taken them forever to do anything and my kidney dr has done the most and i have so many health conditions being of Lupus its not even funny. Three years ago it's got so severe that i basically can't hardly do anything anymore and when i had my last hearing i was suppose to see my kidney Dr the next month but i didn't have the evidence then and almost won off my other medical issues but was denied i was 49 and now 50 and will be 51 next month. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. I'm in stage 3 kidney disease and breathing in stage 4 really hard and I'm so scared that i will have to go on dialysis and i don't wanna do that because i have a long family history of kidney disease and i was tested 4 times this year for Lupus by several different specialists and each time positive and my kidney dr even went into more detail of the blood and i have a connective tissue disorder as well and they wanted to treat me with chemo and I'm waiting to have a renal a kidney biopsy done anyday between my nuephrogooist suspects Lupus nephritis and the only way he said to know how to save my kidneys is to find out through the biopsy what is causing my kidneys to decline. Everytime the bloodwork comes back i cringe because it doesn't get better only worse and i have severe fatigue i find it hard to stay awake during the day and my joints are horrible i have a couple different kinds of arthritis and was told i would need hip replacements one day because i have osteoarthritis and i also have another kind of arthritis. My hair is constantly falling out and i have lesions on top of my head and the skin is horrible and just my labs alone I've got to check my sugar because it goes up and down like a yo yo and i take 2 different high blood pressure meds for hypertension which I've had forever and I've gotta be careful i can't hardly take certain meds even for arthritis because it will damage my kidneys and i have severe IBS-D and cysts on both kidneys, on my right ovary, I've had 6 different surgeries and it would honestly take me to long to tell you how Lupus has affected my body and i have two hernias on top of it along with to much other things. My knees sound like snap crackle pop and i used to be such a bubbly person but i find myself depressed alot because this is a horrible disease to live with and they want me to do an iron infusion because the regular iron medication isn't working on me and i already take liquid potassium 15 meq a day because of severe leg cramps and my body has always had a problem storing it since i was young. Anemic like i said is a huge problem and i also take vitamin D-3 2000 units a day for my bones and i hurt so bad somedays i cry and try not to because i can take alot of pain but someone can only take so much because sometimes you have somedays that are worse than others. I have many more other issues and stuff I've been through but i will always be a fighter through and through and anyone wondering May is Lupus Awareness month and never in a million years would i have thought i would have something like this. I have 2 beautiful daughters to live for and 10 beautiful and handsome grandchildren. I didn't know all this at my last hearing and even before i talked to Mr. Johnathan Ginsberg i told him when he offered to review my case that they thought i had it and would be tested and he gave me the best amazing advice and even recommended me an attorney because the last one i had never prepped me much less ever call me and when i went before the Judge last June i had little medical evidence because i just had started seeing a dr the last job i had 3 years ago i didn't have health insurance and my health got so bad i haven't been able to work anymore and i almost won the last time it would take to much more of you're time to say. But I'm waiting on the renal biopsy for a confirmartive diagnosis and treatment plan along with the rhuenoatologist as well before i literally sign the papers for the law firm and the one he suggested they're so nice and they always answer any questions i have and i just want to make sure i have all i need before i have q hearing if it goes that far. i can't thank Mr. Ginsberg enough and i wish i would have run accross his videos much sooner because the first atroeney wasted 6 years of my time and back pay which I'm sure i lost all that i wish that i didn't because i made alot of money but it's been awhile since I've worked because literally i can't. Everyday is a challenge for me but I'm not a quitter and i would finish signing the papers with the attorneys but I'm afraid that they will have a hearing before my biospy is done because i have to take so much paperwork to all my specialists and they're are to many to count. Thank you Mr.. Johnathan Ginsberg and i hope they do the biopsy soon i will know Monday pretty much when so i can get this case started because i need an income coming in and i have no family just one aunt that is disabled herself and my father passed away this July 26, 2020 God rest his soul and i was upset about all that backpay because of the unprofessional attorney i had and now i will just be happy with a disability check every month and God knows I'd rather work anyday than deal with Lupus and my kidneys and all the other medical issues it's brought to me. I pray that God heals my body everytime i pray because I'm the only surviving parent that my 2 daughters have my husband passed away at the young age of 47 5 years ago and i wanna see them grow up and all my grandchildren. God Bless all with this disease and prayers you're way and thank you most of all for you Mr. Johnathan Ginsberg and all you're helpful vidoes i can't thank you enough. I apologize so much for the length of this message i do apologize i want all to know what a horrible and painful autoimmune disease this is and i also have other health problems so. God Bless you Mr. Ginsberg and you're family. Amen


If you do have Lupus that meets listing level how long do you think it would take to get ssdi? I meet the listing, the multi organ involvement one. I'm terrified of losing my health coverage because I'm on methotrexate, 15 meds and have to receive Benlysta infusions that take me out of work for at least 4 to 7 days a month and cost 14000$ per infusion. I'm fighting like hell to get out of bed and make it through each day. The only reason I have my job still is that I have amazing employers and have a valuable skill set. Im only 34 and was diagnosed almost 3 yrs ago and I've become a shadow of who I once was, I work, sleep and suffer. My rheumatologist has wanted me to work less for years but I've been so terrified of how I would survive. I'm just not sure how long I can keep doing this.... Do you think I'd have a case? And how would I keep my health coverage while working this all out?
