Global Summit for Java devs'21 DAY 1 - Junior track Live stream CEST (GMT+3)

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When we talk about Java development, we understand there are tons of methods, techniques, frameworks to use, technologies to adopt. Lots of great practices are being discussed, but there are still blind spots in using and implementing it in real life.

The best way to unveil those secrets is to learn some real cases and proven experiences from those who'd walked this path already.

That's why we gathered the most interesting and actual cases from the experienced Java developers, who are ready to share their knowledge and working approaches. Our speakers are ready to prepare you for the future of Java development. We invite you to join!

Links for Global Summit for Java devs'21 - 30-31th March:
📍 Link 1 – Junior track Live stream CEST (GMT+3) - this link

Take a chance to immerse yourself in 2 days of non-stop tech talks. Learn the best Java practices and get equipped with the latest updates without leaving your home.

00:00 Beginning of the Summit
05:00 Intro to the Java Global Summit
11:18 Living code solution for Java developers
1:15:48 Two steps forward, one step backward - backward compatibility in Elasticsearch
2:06:10 Clean Architecture? Clean Code? Refactoring? Tests? What does this change in my code?
2:46:03 Dismantling Technical Debt and Hubris
3:32:40 Q&A Session Shelley Lambert, Kamila de Fátima Santos Oliveira
3:50:14 Break
3:55:10 Easy microservices with Java Hipster!
4:51:45 AHOY! Reactive - The Quarkus Reactive Journey
5:41:50 Break
5:44:50 The top 10+1 essential (soft) skills for every developer
6:27:27 How subjective is your testing approach?
7:10:40 End-to-End test architectures, a dead End road
7:58:08 Stairway out of dependency hell
8:38:00 Q&A Session Berwout Vries, Roy Braam, Ilia Ilin

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