PowerTalks Seminar Series - Dr. Wayne Liang (March 11, 2022)
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Topic: "Development of Computable Pediatric Chemotherapy Regimen Knowledge for Cancer Clinical Care and Research"
Real world data (RWD) sources, such as cancer surveillance and Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, can complement clinical trials in generating evidence on the comparative effectiveness of cancer treatment regimens.
Such research requires a detailed understanding of the specific treatments that patients received, including regimen names, component drugs, associated research protocols, availability of published evidence, and other details.
Real world data (RWD) sources, such as cancer surveillance and Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, can complement clinical trials in generating evidence on the comparative effectiveness of cancer treatment regimens.
Such research requires a detailed understanding of the specific treatments that patients received, including regimen names, component drugs, associated research protocols, availability of published evidence, and other details.