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Μουσική: Πάνος Σπανός - Βαγγέλης Σπανακάκης
Στίχοι: Παυλίνα Κωνσταντίνου
Ενορχήστρωση/Παραγωγή: Βαγγέλης Σπανακάκης
Mίξη/Ηχοληψία: Μόνικα Καραπατή
Vocals: Πάνος Σπανός
Κιθάρα: Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος
Σαξόφωνο: Κώστας Στάϊκος
Η παραγωγή και ηχογράφηση έγινε στο Planet REC Studio.
Styling & Photography : Jay Logothetis (Outfit & Shoes : DF2)
Make up Artist/ Face Painting: Λία Αποστολοπούλου
Hairstyling: Δημήτρης Βέργος
Το ολοκαίνουριο τραγούδι του Πάνου έρχεται να μας προσκαλέσει σ'ένα ξέφρενο ρυθμικό ταξίδι μέχρι τη Βραζιλία του Μουντιάλ 2014!!
Μας καλεί να ενώσουμε τις φωνές μας σ'ένα σύνθημα και με τις γεμάτες από ήλιο αποσκευές μας να δηλώσουμε τη δική μας παρουσία στις κερκίδες πλάϊ στην Εθνική μας ομάδα!!!
Φέτος, στο Μουντιάλ τραγουδάμε δυνατά
"Πάμε Βραζιλία να γράψουμε ιστορία.."
και ευχόμαστε Καλή Επιτυχία στην Ελληνική αποστολή!!
English translation of lyrics:
"We're off to Brazil"
The journey starts now
and our dream is just the beginning.
With a friend, with the sun in our heart
and stars in our eyes.
Like the endless waves beating against the shore.
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
And if this climb frightens you,
our strength will be there for us to be together.
We'll spread our wings again to reach the skies.
Take the first step, come on, let's go further.
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
Arms waving, come on now, we're going stronger!!
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
Music: Panos Spanos - Vangelis Spanakakis
Lyrics: Pavlina Konstantinou
Orchestration/Production: Vangelis Spanakakis
Sound/Mix: Monika Karapati
Back Vocals: Panos Spanos
Guitar: Yiannis Papadopoulos
Saxophone: Kostas Staikos
Production and recording was made at Planet REC Studio.
Styling & Photography: Jay Logothetis (Outfit & Shoes: DF2) Make up Artist/Face Painting: Lia Apostolopoulou
Hairstyling: Dimitris Vergos
Pano's new song is here to take us on a crazy rhythmical trip to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil!!
It invites us to join our voices with a slogan and with our suitcases filled with sunshine to give our presence in the stands next to our National Team!!!
This year at the World Cup we will sing out loud "We're off to Brazil to make history.."
We wish the Greek Team Good Luck!!
Στίχοι: Παυλίνα Κωνσταντίνου
Ενορχήστρωση/Παραγωγή: Βαγγέλης Σπανακάκης
Mίξη/Ηχοληψία: Μόνικα Καραπατή
Vocals: Πάνος Σπανός
Κιθάρα: Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος
Σαξόφωνο: Κώστας Στάϊκος
Η παραγωγή και ηχογράφηση έγινε στο Planet REC Studio.
Styling & Photography : Jay Logothetis (Outfit & Shoes : DF2)
Make up Artist/ Face Painting: Λία Αποστολοπούλου
Hairstyling: Δημήτρης Βέργος
Το ολοκαίνουριο τραγούδι του Πάνου έρχεται να μας προσκαλέσει σ'ένα ξέφρενο ρυθμικό ταξίδι μέχρι τη Βραζιλία του Μουντιάλ 2014!!
Μας καλεί να ενώσουμε τις φωνές μας σ'ένα σύνθημα και με τις γεμάτες από ήλιο αποσκευές μας να δηλώσουμε τη δική μας παρουσία στις κερκίδες πλάϊ στην Εθνική μας ομάδα!!!
Φέτος, στο Μουντιάλ τραγουδάμε δυνατά
"Πάμε Βραζιλία να γράψουμε ιστορία.."
και ευχόμαστε Καλή Επιτυχία στην Ελληνική αποστολή!!
English translation of lyrics:
"We're off to Brazil"
The journey starts now
and our dream is just the beginning.
With a friend, with the sun in our heart
and stars in our eyes.
Like the endless waves beating against the shore.
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
And if this climb frightens you,
our strength will be there for us to be together.
We'll spread our wings again to reach the skies.
Take the first step, come on, let's go further.
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
Arms waving, come on now, we're going stronger!!
We're off to Brazil to make history.
Listen to a thousand drums beating loudly.
Arms in the air, make my day, come on now, the time has come.
We're off and we're going higher.
Music: Panos Spanos - Vangelis Spanakakis
Lyrics: Pavlina Konstantinou
Orchestration/Production: Vangelis Spanakakis
Sound/Mix: Monika Karapati
Back Vocals: Panos Spanos
Guitar: Yiannis Papadopoulos
Saxophone: Kostas Staikos
Production and recording was made at Planet REC Studio.
Styling & Photography: Jay Logothetis (Outfit & Shoes: DF2) Make up Artist/Face Painting: Lia Apostolopoulou
Hairstyling: Dimitris Vergos
Pano's new song is here to take us on a crazy rhythmical trip to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil!!
It invites us to join our voices with a slogan and with our suitcases filled with sunshine to give our presence in the stands next to our National Team!!!
This year at the World Cup we will sing out loud "We're off to Brazil to make history.."
We wish the Greek Team Good Luck!!