Horto Festival 2021

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Seminars and Events

Horto 2021
July 24-31, International choral course with Timothy Brown 02:44

July 31, My spirit sung all day 04:14
Horto seminars' choir and orchestra
Timothy Brown, conductor

August 30, Flute seminar final concert 04:47
Νικολός Δημόπουλος and Γιώργος Τσιαρδάκας, flute
Δημήτρης Δημόπουλος, piano

August 25, Canciones de la Iberica 05:43
Σπύρος Καβαλιεράτος, guitar

August 12, Tribute to Παντελή Χατζηκυριάκο 07:35
Νίκος Γεωργαλής, guitar
Κώστας Παππάς, contrabass
Κωνσταντίνα Σαμαρά, violin
Παντελης Χατζηκυριάκος, bouzouki and vocals

September 4, Rhythmodal 10:50
Cihan Türkoğlu, saz and vocals
Γιάννης Ζάννης, tabla

August 24-28: Choral atelier 11:16
Choral conducting with Μαρία - Έμμα Μελιγκοπούλου

October 17, Borago 13:00
Γιώργος Παπαϊωάννου, lafta/ violin
Γιάννης Ζάννης, tabla

September 25, Cine Recital 14:00
Dmitry Gudimov, cello
Ελένη Κουτή, piano

The Festival was made possible thanks to the voluntary contribution of residents of Horto and friends of the Foundation.

We thank our partners and sponsors.

Horto Festival 2021 was held under the auspices and sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the auspices of the Municipality of South Pelion

The excerpts in the video are from the archive of the foundation. Video editing and creation is made by: Υβόννη Φρεζή, Ζωή Χρυσοπούλου, Έλσα Γκουτζίνη and Νίκος Αδρασκέλας.
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