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With the white fur behind you, you look like an angel. Just thought I’d mention it👼🏻


talk about angel number i guess i can call it is 44. I was just stressing about a situation and as i was looking at the documents related to it online, on my computer i saw 4/4 which is the date, and then 8:44 as the time. As i look up from that, all 6 document numbers started with 444. I took a minute to relax and then realized in some magical way the problem had already been taken care of and i have no idea how! Right after another youtube i watch uploaded a video about angel numbers then you upload this! I’m so in awe right now i absolutely love synchronicities ❤️


I always see 11:11 even twice or thrice a day!


I accept every authentic sign from every authentically angelic soul


Everything in your background is so complimentary to your style of messaging. 🌸


Thank you so much Josie. I can't believe you made this today. Ironically my life path number is 3. Lol


I was born in July, the 7th month and I always see 7 around me


I see this as being in “Divine time” not clock time anymore.

For example, when you look back at what you did the other day at 11:00 it is encoded with built in meaning and memory. It remains in the Akashic records.

Memories always exist and can be relived after one passes over from the physical. It’s important to live for the moments that you wish to revisit as your most “memorable” version of heaven. Make these moments now (in the physical) and you as a spirit will have nothing to regret. What you are leaving behind is a memory. Which can always be accessed within time and beyond time anytime.

Memories are where your loved ones are living—it’s how you connect with them and how they connect with you.

I see the vision of the Avatar movie when they attach their halos to the tree of souls (a giant willow tree that connects them with Eywa on Pandora). The connection is like synapses within the brain from one neuron to another. From one dimension to another. From the forms of the physical to the formless realm of memories.

It is that this halo (divine bond) connects them to the memories of all that is.

Your loved ones also live in your experiences—seeing you happy and joyful builds new connections for both of you.

What spirits (a loved one) wants is for you to create new memories with them in mind (while you are in the physical). Because that is how you grow and evolve the impressions in the physical to be fulfilled.

Forgive them if done wrong and create new ones for you as it is you now you who is leaving your memories behind.

It is not delusional living in your memories—it’s delusional not doing denying them. It’s insanity to forget those memories of the ones you’ve loved. Never forget. Always keep them in your memories—it is because they live in YOU through them and in them (memories) through you!

So what is memories really! When you close your eyes you can see your past, present and future!

But now this physical present moment cannot show you the past nor the future. You can only see those as memories.

It’s almost like the present moment keeps you away from the unseen until you begin to see with another sight. The 3rd eye. You begin to access memories!!! What are memories?

Perhaps the present moment is the moment of forgetting who you are and is a moment to awaken to the “memories” of what you are “here for” to be experienced and unfolded in the physical. Your Souls contract before coming into form.

...when you keep them (the loved ones who passed over) in mind this creates new experiences and links; they are able to create new versions of heaven with you and now you with them beyond time...

So now, as you are “here” and what you do now, LIVE as and FOR those memories. For the experiences!!! No matter what the present moment looks like—live for the experiences and for the memories. For those memories creates your version of heaven.

Is this what you are doing right now and with this person you are meeting up with or conversing with, is this what you would like your heaven to be like?

Leave impressions within people’s memories because that will be remembered forever! It’s a playground for “links” beyond the physical.

Back to the divine time....

Imagine moving into “time’s” in the future that you haven’t experienced physically yet (such as meditating and stepping into your future self 20 years from now). Use that as an alarm clock or shall I say a satori for you; as your future self will awaken to that “time” as a synchronistic moment perhaps a moment of Deja Vu.

Imagination creates your nation—creates your heaven. Perhaps that heaven is the 5th Dimension. Being able to manifest what version you wish to live right now beyond time and space.

When you “imagine” the future this is your future self’s memory remembering your past self. This is much like you remembering your “past” as back to your past self (10 years ago). I mind you, we are always connected beyond clock time!

Divine time is your Higher Self setting up a Divine link for your soul to evolve in that synchronistic moment. Saying, “You’re on the right path!”, “You’re on Divine Time!”.

Energetic time strip or like a movie film with the “snap shot” (memories) realities of what is possible timeline realities that are available for you and for your soul to experience (souls journey).

Much like seeing 3:33 it holds a memory and messages for you in the other planes to integrate with you in the physical realm.

These synchronisitc numbers are you shifting out of the 3D timeline into 5D divine timeline💜

Within “that moment” there is synchronistic set up or meet up with you and your angels and guides for a connection and integration for your Souls Journey. It’s like the sun rise of Encoded love vibrations being sent for that moment in time...and each cell in your body opens up to it as a receiver. (See how plants and flowers open up to the sunlight)!

Always in divine timing Josie ✨💫✨


Thank you for your help. God bless you


Thank you beautiful sister for the message. Much love and light family of light


Thank you Josie this will be very helpful, I am a 4, time to luck it up in my angel book, and It says the angels are assisting me.
Thank you Josie love and Blessings to you :)


This is really great information. Thanks so much for sharing! ♥️♥️♥️


The relationship I have with my angels would be a two way street. Angels never impose but I am very open to their opinions and suggestions. Sometimes I actually want them to take the lead lol 💖🦋


Thank you Josie for imparting us your knowledge. GOD bless you more.


Hello dear Josie! I just wanted to share something because I feel so grateful for your blog and inspiration and I imagine at some point you were fearful of answering your life call? What if they don’t like me what if they think I’m crazy what if I’m wrong? I’ve been at a crossroads stock but you have been instrumental in me staying upbeat and focused and waiting for the answer! So I wanted to share this with you I think it’s pretty profound and if you ever have a free moment I’d love to email you the whole story because it was such a purely profound answer from the angels for heaven!! I’ve been working on my gift and I’ve always known angels are around us and that we were to wait for the messages etc. but this world especially for the powerful and faith has a way of confounding you and wearing you down! I am on my way to being diagnosed finally and with what I do I mean disease plagues me and I have been working towards my uncles but I’m learning health comes first so I would really love suggestion one will you please do a video on the importance of taking care of yourself and it not being selfish! You are perfectExample of a spirit that shines with health and vitality and you’ve clearly taking care of yourself! You’re pretty lipstick your pretty nails etc. people don’t understand that is true armor in this world and you need to embrace it and take care of yourself the way you word of your sibling if you are afraid of being selfish and the oldest of nine! I would love to know how are you unwind and white beauty products you use especially because you are so pale And blind in your lipstick never looks Garris or shopping I think I’ve mentioned this before and if it helps I believe this is a message that angels have been drilling into me and you need to share this! No hiding and I don’t really care what you eat I want to know how you care for your skin for your hair what products are worth any amount of money to you and what you don’t waste money on! do you get your nails done? Probably but if not what do you was on yours my nail polish is always a mess and that is as bad as a chip tooth and a smile at affecting your presence humanly if you well LOL anyways I was thinking of getting a tattoo or five to visually remind me on my palm of my hand or the heel of my hand my most important verses to keep me focused when I panic because we put our face in our hands and I am crazy about having clean hands so I can’t write it it has to be permanent LOL and the numerology thing is new to me but I know it’s important intuitively. I keep getting messages of numbers usually my birthday when I look at the clock when I look at the radio balances etc. I asked myself angels what is the most important the number one rule or verse God wants meTo keep in mind and it popped in my head the way my answers do John 316. 3+ one +6 equals 10 1+0= 1. I had to take the time to share it because if I were to explain it to anybody they will just think I’m crazy LOL and I probably am a bit but I love myself and God knows me and loves me anyway! Now that I have been able to channel a bit thanks to you or filter maybe the information so that I understand it it is so empowering humanly. GodAlmost refuses to answer and the devil advertisers and I am so tired and worn down in this world but knowing that my sister is not lost to me and can get me messages and the love that is my umbilical cord to heaven! Was not taken when my best friend was by her own hand. That is the level of heartbreaking were forced to deal with, but my faith, and 100% honestly 50% of remaining faithful and focused and not feeling unfairly victimized were lessons you shared with me! That is confirmation for you Josie grouse thank God knows your name and loves you and you are a tool he uses to save others! Thank you I love you and always blow the kiss right back dear sister and there are many days that was the only affection or bright spot of love I had! I’m doing so well and feeling OK I’m going to make it no matter how long it takes to turn this corner I’m at the corner and I’m not giving up! God bless please please please please keep up your good work and consider my suggestion for the video you can blame me! But I really think it’s important especially for women to do the little things that are visible reminders of love even if it’s that you loveOnly yourself that day you will smile when you feel pretty and that smile is the hand of God that will not be denied! So with that XOXO and God bless and hopefully if I can figure out the right answers someday I will be able to be as famous and half as lovely as you have become! You are truly a trailblazer for the faithful I don’t care how corny that sounds it is beautiful XOXO And God bless! May the peace of Christ be with you all especially those who read this


Very helpful thanks, please tell us how mirror numbers work without the destiny number ? Thanks in advance 💓


You're looking like angel, as that fur at your back ❤️


Thank you, I’m glad I know his now 🤗
I needed to know how to work an pendulum, so I picked your video on Utube and now watch all your past and present videos
Thankful to have come across your wisdom


☺️🙏 please don't mind, you are seemed an angel to me.. . 🧚🏻‍♀️


I see mostly at my phone clock 07:07, 09:09, 10:10, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 16:16, 18:18, 21:21, ...sometimes 9:11..11..11:11
