Personal efficiency: desirable and achievable | Jean-Luc Doumont | TEDxGhent

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Jean-Luc has ideas about how to live your life more efficiently in this fast paced world. Of course, books and websites offer many tips on how to be more productive, but, perhaps, too many for us to absorb. To bring all these tips into a coherent strategy, he proposes a simple but solid model; through his talk he will illustrate this model in action with a diversity of examples and personal anecdotes.

Engineer and PhD in applied physics and founder of Principiae

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Best takeaways: challenging the things you think you "have" to do, and using traits such as perfectionism only in the moments they are useful.


really helpful video, and it helps me understand that my lack of motivation is sometimes not because the outcome is not appealing, but because I don't think it is achievable. Thank you, Jean!


" Challenge every single things you believe you have to do "

Thanks tedx for those vids and many thanks to Mr.jean


I've been watching this presentation for 3 days now; 4 minutes is the amount of time I can bare to watch each time I decide to finish. The way he treats the audience is rather distracting than interesting. But the idea is useful, thanks.


Anyone has a tex template for the document around minute 3~4 ?


When I was in Jr high I think I checked out a book from public library, It was fiction and featured a scientist dad who's whole specialty was making anything and everything more efficient....that silly book made a HUGE life long impression on me and to this day I put a lot (maybe too much some times) of effort into being more efficient .... For instance I will not ever run an errand (unless it an emergency maybe) without trying to think if there is anything else I can do on the same trip ....If it is something not pressing and I can't think of anything else I can accomplish? I write on my white board and WAIT until I can combine errands ...sometimes I will nail 4 things in one go rather than 4 SEPARATE errands ...I saved all that fuel and in the mean time I will likely reconsider each thing...I will for instance check prices online vs what it will cost compared to local brick and mortar ....and I even consider what will be involved if I have to return one source or the other. This type thinking trickles down to all sorts of common things....daily supplements and meds for instance? MUCH more efficient to buy in quantity online than making individual runs ...some I even put on auto re-order every so many weeks or months...and much more efficient to put all my pills into a daily dose 7 or more day container ...A small DUHH every day thing but it really saves a lot of effort and helps prevent missed doses at the same time. I try to apply efficiency to everything ....I am gradually converting our entire home to Alexa controlled devices and have the echo dot units in several locations...I don't even have to get up to see if she left the lights on AGAIN ...I just ask alexa.

Something I just did a few days ago was to connect a battery backed up time clock, a little electromagnet and a spring to the henhouse door and set it so the magnet is energized from like 5pm to whatever time the sun is rising approximately ....So now my wife does not have to wake up at the crack of dawn to let her girls out all she has to do is close the door at night ....this might sound involved but I ordered everything online and it literally took less than half hour to install ....yes it is powered via extension cord which I need to replace with an actual hardwire permanent conduit and outlet before rainy season but at least it already saving a bunch of needless lost sleep and walking down there.

I could list hundreds of things but you get the idea


Thanks to Mr. Jean
What you tell us is very useful.
But please a little relax and enjoy yourself.


I need to do note taking for this video
But I dont understand a single things


What if you made things more efficient (better, faster, cheaper, etc.)?


Apparently expected gain is mathematically identical to angular momentum.


My dear Jean-Luc, there is not any single case of true probability zero - because probabilities are positive definite numbers - in other words: everything is possible.


This guy was funny :)
But he has his point !


This man's voice makes me want a pizza.
