Çilek Kokusu 22. Bölüm

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Çilek Kokusu, birbirlerinden tamamen zıt karakterlere, hayatlara ve motivasyonlara sahip olan Aslı ve Burak’ın sürpriz bir şekilde karşılaşmalarıyla başlıyor. Aslı, çalıştığı pastaneden Burak yüzünden kovulur. Bu arada en yakın arkadaşı olan Gonca, Bodrum’a çalışmaya gitmek üzeredir ve Aslı’yı de gelmesi için ikna eder. Aslı da hem tatil yapmak hem de para kazanmak için Bodrum’daki işi kaçırmak istemez. Annesi kızının Bodrum’a gitmesine pek sıcak bakmasa da Aslı’nın ısrarlarına dayanamaz ve izin verir.

Aynı zamanlarda Burak’ın sorumsuz davranışlarından sabrı taşan babası, Burak’ı çalışması için, yeni aldıkları otele gönderir.

Hikayemiz, kibirli, ukala, serseri Burak’ın, güleryüzlü, sıcak, samimi Aslı’nın Bodrum’a giderken aynı uçağa binmeleri ve tatlı aksiliklerle yan yana oturmalarıyla başlıyor. Birbirlerini ilk gördükleri andan itibaren çatışmaya ve didişmeye başlayan çift bir daha birbirlerini hiç görmeyeceklerini düşünerek uçaktan inerler ama kader onları bir araya getirmek için ağlarını çoktan örmeye başlamıştır.

#ÇilekKokusu #YusufÇim #DemetÖzdemir
Рекомендации по теме

Burak Aslıyı seviyordu dimi ama bir tek Volkan inandı Aslının masumiyetine


Ne büyük aşk! Bizi hiç kimse ayıramaz ama 2 fotoğraf bizi kolayca ayırdı! Ne saçma bir şey!


Bu bolumde Royani duymak ne kadar da guzel


Bizim Röyamızında sesi bir başqa gözəllik vermiş❤🙃


Sevgi mahnılarının super ifaçısı RÖYAMIZ😍😍😍


1:07:58 Ganiye ne kadar sinir olsamda hatta nefret etsemde bu aralar en cok guldugum Gani yani bayiliyorum yaa jsbzhz " Vallaha bir bebek kadar masumuz "


Can ela Röyanın səsini burda eşitmək bir başqa


Yaziklar olsun Burak Aslıya karşı bunları yapdigin icin😢😢


Burak başak konusunda çok kötü davrandı aslıyla


En cok sevdigim dizi cilek kokusu lutfan yeniden bashlasin 💋Yusuf❤Demet💋


Burakın sabah iphonu akşama andorid telefonu oluyor 😂


Çoox gözəl bir serial. 😍😍 Bu bölümdədə ağlamaqdan heç özümü tuta bilmədim ama


Cok çabuk final yaptılar.10 bölüme sığacak olayları son bir final bölümü ile bitirdiler.Reytingler çok düşüktü sanırım. Yazık olmuş diziye.O pislik Çâğla nin cezalanmasıni, Volkan ın e Eda'nın da aşık olup mutlu olmasını isterdim. Eminim senaryo da böyleydi ama kanal izin vermedi, final yaptı!


Volkanin atasi kukla kimidi maşallah cavan oğlana oxsuyur


Son sahnede Buraktan ben bile korktum bee jsjshs 1:37:25


Başak çok iyi kalpli bir kadın gerçekten😋💗❤


2022 de hala izleneyler 👋🏻👋🏻(Heloo) ❤️


Translation (Part 1)
Burak was watching Asli from far and saw that she went in Basak’s car. He followed them. Bashak took Asli to see the house she had found for her. They went inside and Burak was listening to their conversation. Basak said “the business world is like men, the more you give the less we get you will follow your heart and won’t let men run your life. Men are difficult, even the easiest, which is yet to be seen. With them around it is difficult to focus. The woman wants to be stubborn, but there is only one rule and that is that you will be smart, you will always follow the decision you have made and the heart won’t be fooled by man. Burak hear this out of context and with what his father had told him, he concluded that Asli was working for Basak and she has been dishonest with him and was after their money. ((so with so little information and without asking Asli to explain he became the judge, the jury, and the executioner for Asli)). He went back to his car. Looked at the ring he had bought for Asli and said “What did you do to me?” He decided to plan a revenge from Asli.
At the shop Burak had asked Gonca to decorate the place for him to propose to Asli and the two friends set up a nice decoration and cake for him. Gonca called Asli and told her they had an order that had to be ready the next day and she needed to go there. Asli was happy about the house deal and said she will call her mother and they go there. They were worried because they had not heard back from Burak They called Burak and he told Gonca that the plan was cancelled without any explanations he hung up. They got worried that something might have happened. Gonca called Asli and said the order was cancelled so she did not need to go. Burak went back home and had a flash back or the night he was drunk and had yelled to tell Asli that he loved her. He was angry and said “how could you do that to me?” His dad came out Burak told him he loved Asli very much and asked how could she lie to him.
He said “I can't digest this. I even stood in front of you. How many years of relationship I deleted with one pen, I became a completely a different person dad. It's all a lie, I hate her dad” His dad said it would all pass, love, hatred everything will pass. “He said “Love will go away but hatred, never.”
Emel saw Asli sitting on her bed holding The Burak cow and crying. She knew she was missing Burak. She said “it will pass, it will pass”. Burak in his room looked at her photos and the ring got more angry and said he would not let this go and he will not fall in front of her and he would call her to account. So he planned his revenge as he wanted to end it with her where he started that means in front of that window where Asli lived. Nihat decided to talk to Basak and give her one offer. Asli went to the shop and told Gonca that Basak would take care of everything for their move. Gonca asked her how she was and Asli said “It's like I woke up from a dream that will never end. Not sure if I'm on the ground or I am in the sky? There is no way unless Burak convinces his family and apologizes to my mother, that could soften my mother, but that is very difficult?”
Nihat met Basak and asked her how much money she wanted to get out of partnership with Elcin and to leave the children alone. He offered 20 times the amount he paid . She said she did not need money and she would not give up her children and she wanted to be a part of that company. He told her that things will end bad.
Asli thanked Basak for everything again Basak told her that she talked to the landlord friend and there was no need for deposit and she said that. Basak wished her good luck in both her new job and her home. She told Asli that for work she needed more formal clothes and offered to help her by them. She said that in one week they would go to the company together. Erdem called Burak again and he did not answer the call. Gonca thought it was not normal at all and she was very worried. called Cagla to tell her about Burak and Asli. She showed her the photos of the two women and told her that it was Basak, Sinan’s ex and she also told her that she had tricked Sinan to marry him by getting pregnant and now she sent Asli to fool Burak and do the same thing with Burak. ((Selda thinks she is better and smarter than Asli she considers Cagla a suitable woman for her son not knowing the thing Cagla has done including sending the four men to beat Burak to death)). She told Cagla that Nihat had followed them to find out what he knows. They talked about how the fell in love in such a short time. Cagla said she knew that woman (Asli) was a devil. Cagla was very happy that the true face of Asli had come out.
Selda told her to wait till dust settle a bit, then she would talk to Burak. Cagla said “Aunt Selda, such a thing is out of the question now between us. It can't be with him. We broke each other so much. I left my life like this. Selda “Don't cut it like this. Leave everything to me for once. By the way, keep this conversation between us. Please Eda Volkan, they will never hear about this”. She asked if Asli knew they know and Selda said “Aslı does not know that we know, or she will go, tell Basak right away. ( PLS continue to part 2)


Gonca:✨benimle evlenirmisin✨
Erdem:✨evet evet evlənirim
ben :✨😂😂😂😂✨
