Fortnite Squads 40 Bomb Zero Build

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how long have you bejing playing for??


I'm impressed with all the people that were trying to take down the giant Doom at the that huge lake impressive everybody work together to take him down did Portugal was trying to take Doom down and everybody all 50 players that that played took down doom and it's Oktoberfest 2024 see now everybody doing that together that was teamwork with everybody everybody give yourself a pat on the back because you get mad props I I give everybody love and respect to everybody that took down doom and its 2:00 pm right now


Most you want to land where there's complete gunfire going on you don't want to land get your weapons and then work together and work your way to get on fire


And when you rebooting somebody why wouldn't you give them weapons and shields cuz you have no shield when you being rebooted and you only have a handgun you have an extra weapons so you can't say well I couldn't get my weapon cuz I didn't want to give up one of my extra weapons so that's why when they act like that unless they're a veteran and a good player I just jump out to another server and go to the next team I'm not going to waste my and another saying if a teammates down I automatically run and go reboot that team are teammate or revive them the other the other two won't even do that they won't even go to that teammate this is why I'm understanding that it's almost not worth playing fortnite squads


Fortnite squad is starting to be a joke I'm trying to go and reboot my my teammate and got teammates stopping me from doing it I don't know what the problem is they don't work together and that's almost all the squads they don't stick together like they should like snipers do they want to run all over and pick up these weapons instead of okay teammate is down so I got to stop what I'm doing and going by my teammate so we don't get killed so 85% of the players in squads they're only concerned about themselves and not their teammates I'm so thankful I don't have a mic and a headset and I can hear it through my my Nintendo switch you got so many people talking smack and squads and they don't care about the outcome the ones that are talking smack they don't care about their teammates they only concerned about themselves and not their teammates they want to talk about people's mothers and disrespectful things and while doing which is starting to downgrade fortnite.


And why does it take when there's one teammate down there's three players down why does it take three people to reboot one person I know it's quicker but nobody wants to stand when one person is rebooting a teammate why do the other two have to sit there and reboot they're not trying to stand guard make sure nobody's running up


And if you got to ask why and you don't understand why the teammate jumped out is because you weren't there for being teammates I just played around right cuz I kept hitting the button I figured one of the teammates would have come in my direction to meet me so we can work together but obviously you got too many people that don't think they need to do that if you didn't make it with one of them your ass out completely say bread for the ones that do that you'll never know what it's like to be a teammate cuz you don't want to be a teammate in squads or duos or trios how many of you tried landing with everybody and when you didn't make it to you you hit the what's the button so I'll let you know where you're at how many of your teammates ran or drove to get you in a car or jetpack or whatever to make sure that she made get some help because you didn't have access to a weapon how many of them didn't do that for you how many of them are going to drop what they're doing when you're down to go revive you or reboot you how many times did all of you gone through that but the ones that are still not willing to work as a teammate you know who you arehow hard is it to stop what you're doing and go rescue with teammate when the teammates that far away I'm willing to drop everything I do when two of the teammates are in gunfight I'm going to go rescue the the third teammate who are the fourth teammates I'm willing to run to a teammate with no weapons all the way and not pick one up just to get it to a teammate I'm going to make sure I got at least one teammates back if I'm near them if I'm in with all four together I've got their back but if you're not willing to make sure I got a weapon I'm leaving you if you're driving a car and you run into me because you don't like me I'm not sticking around and don't try and force a teammate to get in the vehicle that doesn't want to get into the vehicle it's not right and it's and it's really wrong and disrespectful if you get mad because of a team they won't get into a vehicle and they're showing you they got weapons shield and health and you get mad because they won't take it they showed you they got if you're going to get mad cuz they already have quit being a punk


Tell me if this is worth it playing fortnite squad we all had weapons we were all running to the next all three had the jetpacks they had the boots I just had one weapon that I was lucky to get while I was running when I went down the teammates kept running they didn't even try and reboot me that went to the whole game sat there and watched😊 they didn't try and reboot me at all through the entire game they left me hanging so the way it stands unless you're willing to stick by my side I'm not willing to help the rest of the team because it's not worth it if I got to sit there and watch the whole round and not get rebooted by three of the teammates


Hacks and teammates that don't really want to play


July 7th 2024 at 4:00 p.m. guy was saying over the his mic and I could hear him I don't have a mic just landed and didn't have a gun I got killed didn't have a gun tried running got killed put the guys trash talking and he doesn't understand that I just landed and I didn't have a weapon so how do you get mad for somebody just landing and hadn't got a weapon just yet how do you get mad that is where's the common sense where's the logic where's the education that they had when they went through school probably didn't have like I've said before you don't have ones landing in the same spot in the squads


Here's here's one that's going to make you laugh there's me and the one that's able to run around I need to be rebooted since there's only two of us left out of the squad let me see how many people going to laugh at this one deuter the chick decide to stop and go down to the bunker they were more concerned with getting better weapons and the reboot van wasn't too far from it so they chose to go down in the bunker get weapons versus stop what they were doing and going straight to reboot van if it would have been me I wouldn't have stopped and went down to the bunker I would have went straight to the reboot van there's a difference between me and that teammate I'm not going to stop until I get to the reboot van to get more weapons teammates are more important


Yeah for you in fortnite squads man I was down had the rocket gloves had the jetpack in The shield teammates knew they came from me teammates scaffold everything left me with nothing what shields in hell now if that ain't screwed up and you still call that being a team stealing from your own team all three of you if that's not straight disrespectful I don't know what is


Once again now it's just me and another teammate teammate decided to go down into the bunker get weapons instead of trying to reboot me when you get a teammate that's doing that to concerned with getting the weapons they're not concerned about rebooting you cuz they had four places they could have gone to reboot me in the third key made in the four teammate two of the teammates jumped out because they got tired of the last teammate that was still standing didn't want to go reboot anybody see that's a teammate that's more worried about getting the victory then helping the teammates people that do that in fortnite we know what you call are Karen and an HOA


Okay got a question have any of you watched any military movies sniper movies stuff like that okay even the predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger okay it's all the same thing whether it's in a movie or fortnite it's all the same when did you see in predator they were running all over the place when did you see in military movies you saw I'm running all over the place when do you see a sniper running predator military movies in sniper movies they all creep around they're not running around trying to get shot at


85% of you need to pick up a dictionary and read what the the term teamwork and team is then after you read that take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself I don't want to be a teammate I don't want to be a teammate is what you is what you're doing basically telling your team that you don't want to be a teammate when you try to get everything for yourself


I'd rather play on a team with veterans good players and players that are just learning at least players that are just learning they want to play as a team the selfish players are the ones that I can't give you a weapon you got a handgun so deal with that until you find another gun so if anybody thinks I'm wrong about any of my statements and you get mad because you don't want to give a teammate a weapon after they've been rebooted you leave your teammate behind after they're coming down you don't want to sit there and wait you don't give them any sealed and an extra weapon so I wouldn't want to have friends like that in real life and I don't need people adding me as a friend please do not add me as a friend


Last four games that I played teammates left me behind I gave him stuff badass stuff that I grabbed before they could I made sure my teammates had how many of you are going to take the time to gamble a whole bunch of stuff for your teammates first since you know they're not going to get give it all up and they give you crappy stuff sucks because they didn't think they know how to work together if what's the I'd rather the creep all over the place and run when I absolutely have to instead of oh well I guess I'm going to run around and look for stuff and nobody stays together they're all over the place so how is that a team if your team I dare a bunch of you to say that you know how to work as a team which most of you if you do know how to work as a team like you claim each one of you would have the victories veterans are the best teammates to have because they know how to play they've gone through the military most to you you have to have a clue about team word cuz you don't know how to do it when people try to teach you about teamwork you were too busy thinking about something else and going blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah that's all you want to hear is blah blah blah blah blah it's hard work being a teammate but the younger generation the older generation they don't even know how to work as a teammate I guarantee if you're running all over the place to go get weapons and you're not next to your teammates you're not working as a team that's not working as a team a good team sticks together they don't leave each other see I got ones that throw the grenades at me and take it home I'm just checking to see how it works now you were throwing it at me intentionally because you want the victory by yourself you want your three teammates to leave the gameand that's a fact if you're not taking the time to reboot or revive your teammates you're too busy running around getting weapons are your teammates are the most important weapons and ammo and all that comes second to your teammates your teammates come first that's why 85% of the people that play this game even if it just squads alone you'd never make it in the military because you get your squad killed because you'd want to run around and you'd be carrying a side hey look at me I'm running shoot me shoot me


What is so hard to land with each other all four teammates in one spot how hard is it to reboot somebody and stay with them I understand the gunfire if you're getting shot at you rebooted and take off they can fly off if there's no gunfire what's the sense of taking off from that teammate how why is it so hard to stick together as a team when the teammates down I drop what I'm doing automatically and I go to that teammate I don't stop to collect weapons if I run across where there's ammo directly in front of me in a gun I'll pick it up that's that's that's that's one thing but I'm not going to run around and fish for for stuff and teammates are supposed to be of all else like your best friend you just stop at the drop of the head and you go to them if you're in the middle of gunfire and you're trying to kill the dead and or just run and get away from the gunfire I don't understand why teammates they want to go riding the gunfire I don't understand why you you see that your teammate is still in the air and you and you guys don't look to where you rather teammates are atbut squads I've noticed is starting to be about they want to land in individual spots and said that they don't land together I haven't been on a squad team in a while where they work together they're too busy about themselves instead of the highest priority is the teammate teammates come first


Play plain squads again we ended up being three okay got to the first chest I got uzis shield and and the meds the second chest the second chest Gmail gots the rockets the boots for flying and a shield I threw down all my weapons hoping that might give me the shield went to the 4th chest let my teammate have dibs and first dibs okay I'm probably about the only player that's going to stop at a chest and let all the teammates get dibs first while they Jack everything and leave me with nothing


1% can only claim that they work as a team that's still a lot of people for 1% but the rest of them I don't know I can't see if they know how to work as a team you got weapons and you show them that you got the weapons that you're comfortable with they'll throw your teammates will throw a weapon down if you don't take them they shoot at you they demand you get in the vehicle and go with them if you prefer to run and you got a jetpack so if you're getting mad and you're running over your teammates because they didn't get in the vehicle where do you write rocket scientists figure that's working as a teammate if you're getting mad and running them over see hands down I'd have to say that solo is the best but I have a hard time at solo but I figure I cut my losses with solo and play squads because hands down teammates come first if you're like I said before any other statements if you're doing other things and your teammates are down you don't care about your teammates when I first started playing I played with a couple people they said a dead matter what you doing just come save us we're more important than the gunfight we want the victory but we're not going to cheat our teammates out of getting the victory on their own see for all of you rocket scientists that think there's I in team that's individual for all you uneducated fortnite players team is deals with either to 3 or 4 if you feel you want to get to victory all by yourself you should have just stuck with solo cuz I say it one more time team comes first before a gun fight and if I have to go after teammate with just my blades only to protect my teammates then so be it then I then I get knocked down the big deal it's not just a game it's working together like most of you you don't know how to work together at all in the real world
