HCC788 - 1982/1983 STALKER - vintage G. I. Joe toy review! S02E04

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Note: I misspoke when I said Stalker v 1.5 was sold in 1985. I had it written wrong in my notes.

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Sources and Information:

Heckler & Koch MP5

U. S. Army Ranger:

Ranger School:

Tiger Force Duke:
James DeSimone, The Official Collectors Guide to Collecting
& Completing your G. I. Joe Figures and Accessories, p. 2

G. I. Joe toy commercial:

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Stalker represented true Black Power in G.I.JOE. Excellent review.


We have something in common, Stalker is my all time favorite G.I.Joe character! I think he has the coolest color camouflage outfit with his green beret! And I thought he was a very underrated G.i.joe character!


I hadn't caught this review. So great. Stalker was also my favorite character as a Child. In Mexico, where I was born, we never got to get the swivel arm versions of the OG13, and as years went by, despite of this guy being articulation-challenged, he kept being my go-to-guy for most of my missions. I share a genuine love for this action figure. Strangely enough, most of the figures in Mexico were factory-stamped "Estrella", which I understand is a Brazilian toy company, and although in my country the series was sold by "Hasbro Mexico" we had very few samples of new characters, and ZERO vehicle drivers... As years passed by, I was forced to buy my joes from small importer toy stores (at premium prices) and flea markets (which usually got the figures illegally into the country) and I remember finding Stalker in his arctic attire in one of those flea markets, carded by the side of an enormous white kayak... It was like meeting again an old "combat pal", which, this time, was able to grab a sub-machine gun the proper way. I was trilled, to say the least. Thanks, Bryan, for taking me and your whole audience down the road of such great memories in a consistent basis...


Got to ❤ the classics. "Yo Joe!"


I do like *this* Stalker (this one's a mere Ranger), as well as the 1989 version (now a *Tundra* Ranger), which had the kayak (both versions have the black moustache).


Great review and deep insight about racism. Keep those greatreviews coming.Best part is your personal memories


Stalker was my favorite Joe. With Stalker being a Ranger it’s odd that he didn’t come with a rucksack all Rangers carry a rucksack. I gave him an extra Recondo rucksack from an accessory battle pack.


Stalker was my dad, (MY AVATAR). CSM Charlie L. Baker 25 ID Tropic Lighting, Korea and Vietnam.


Just got mine today. Great figure! I never had one as a kid but wow did I miss out.


i felt the same about roadblock, he was always one of my favs. right after firefly and beach head of course.


InsuranceQuoteRequests: I don't know why YT won't let me reply directly to your comments, but I wanted to say thanks for the kind words. I think formbx257 is the best G. I. Joe reviewer on YouTube. I also really enjoy Timmer, and Retroblasting is a great channel! I appreciate even being mentioned with them. I hope you enjoy the videos that I have planned.


The term "stalker" has definitely become a ridiculously exploited term. Simply looking at someone's attention-seeking social networking page, even if that person is on your friends list and that person has thousands of friends and advertised to everyone to follow it, or referring to something the person said the previous day or running into someone at the store gets called "stalking." The action of "stalking" as a criminal activity became popularized after the Rebecca Schaffer incident in the late '80s.


Love the reviews! this is no exception. we both have the same feeling on stalker he was my go to leader of my joes as well. would love to see you review Ambush! if your missing pieces lmk i have a few layin around i think.


The character Beachhead (one of the Joes from 1986) replaced this 1982 character (although, in 1989, Stalker does return, with a new version).


This was one of my favorite figures from the original G.I. Joe team. I think Snake-Eyes slightly beats him out as far as ranking my favorites, but that was because originally he was just known as a commando and was I believe the explosives expert. I thought that was awesome as a kid. They added the ninja stuff later on (Which made him even cooler.) However, Stalker really stood out to me due to his presents in the comics and the fact that he didn't look like everyone else. Let's face it, you take away the accessories and besides the slightest of color variations Grunt, Zap, and someone else that I'm forgetting about at the moment looked like they were triplets.


Since Stalker is a Ranger I could never understand way he had a green barret since Rangers are black barretts.


I prefer 82 if it wasn't for them Joes wouldn't exist. In my opinion they are rarer also and if not yet they WILL be.


Terrific review.  Stalker is an awesome figure!  I still have my '82, but I recently broke his thumb off trying to put the gun in his hand, jeez.


I didn't have Stalker as a kid because he never made it to the one store that sold GI Joe figures in my hometown. too bad, I know I would have loved the camo on him. Trying to find him in good condition for under $50 was no small feet let me tell you.


Stalker was seen in the first live action movie. He was white and played by Brendan Fraser
