Kegel8 Biofeedback Screen

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The Kegel8 Pelvic Trainer makes kegel exercises so easy to do! Onscreen feedback will help you to perfect your technique to train the correct muscles and improve your Squeeze Scale score.
Biofeedback helps you understand and feel your pelvic floor exercises. When inserted, the probe will inflate to a comfortable level, then you’ll be guided through a series of Kegel exercises, squeezing against the probe. You’ll perfect fast and slow Kegels and soon understand more about your muscles and how to strengthen them.
Where to find us:
⇢ Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
/ kegel8
Biofeedback helps you understand and feel your pelvic floor exercises. When inserted, the probe will inflate to a comfortable level, then you’ll be guided through a series of Kegel exercises, squeezing against the probe. You’ll perfect fast and slow Kegels and soon understand more about your muscles and how to strengthen them.
Where to find us:
⇢ Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
/ kegel8
Kegel8 Biofeedback Screen
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