V Speeds | Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep | FlightInsight

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What do you need to know about V Speeds on the Private Pilot Knowledge Test. This is part of the FlightInsight Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep Course. Watch the video then try a practice FAA Knowledge test.

V Speeds | Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep | FlightInsight
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it is a little more complicated than as described and in fact the explanation given in the video is incorrect as far as real world scenarios go. The airplane's speed is actually set by the trim. Once your trim is adjusted to a certain speed, adding more thrust at that point causes the plane to gain altitude though it stays the same speed. Reducing thrust causes it to lose altitude and even though it is descending it also maintains speed.
For any actual students out there watching this, the correct way to view this is that altitude is set by adjusting throttle and speed is set by adjusting trim. If you want to stay the same altitude and slow down, you have to simultaneously adjust your trim (or pull on the stick) to pitch up AND reduce throttle. If you want to go faster at the same altitude you have to adjust trim to pitch down and increase your throttle.


Well, I just had an AHA! Moment re Va, thank you!
