The #1 determining factor is a man's life is who you chooses as wife

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Definitely. She will either help bring you up or put you down 💯


What if it is the wife who supported his dream of having own business, even helped purchase equipment, did all the advertising, helped work it to get a great launch and then…he gets sick…you carry him through that and now he does not fully work his business and only contributes to 1/4 of cost to run household (even though he can do much more)? He always finds money for his hobbies. I tried encouraging. I suggested ways to grow business, even laid out the plan. He’s not interested. Now? I cannot even afford to buy groceries, so eat at my sister’s. He complains we have no food in the house. He buys fast food for his meals. I fed us over the winter (off season) using my savings from small inheritance after my mom passed. Is he a man? Is he a boy? Me? A fool.


I left my abusive husband after 33 years.
All I want is a man that respects me and truly loves me. But at 56, I'm afraid it's too late.


I think that is an important factor later in life, but the #1 factor? Come on.
There are a lot more things before marriage that have more impact than that, like spending your time wisely, learning a skill, etc


Men, don't get married,
Problem solved...✌️😎
