Aaron Sorkin Writes Letter To Daughter After Donald Trump Win | News Flash | Entertainment Weekly

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Aaron Sorkin wrote a moving letter to his teenage daughter and her mother, Julia Sorkin, on Wednesday after Donald Trump won the presidential election.

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Aaron Sorkin Writes Letter To Daughter After Donald Trump Win | News Flash | Entertainment Weekly
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These Clinton supporters are not only sore losers they are dangerous too as they are inciting violence by their extreme language, calling Trump supporters vile names like bigot, hinting at anti-semitism etc just because they happened to exercise their democratic right to vote for the candidate of their choice exhibits a type of bigotry in itself as well as gross intolerance.The generalisation that all Trump supporters are white, blue collar, bigots with no sense of social justice is just plain wrong by stereotyping a middle class of all races and creeds that felt that Trump could restore their sense of pride and dignity by bringing back the jobs that once fed their families and paid their rents or mortgages, i..
Is it wrong for working class people in America to denounce the Obama policy of open borders that undermines their safety and security whether it be physical or financial, is it wrong to ask for a healthcare system that is affordable for the average family, Trump didn't say he was going to deport immigrants, he said he was going to deport illegal immigrants, thousand of whom are incarcerated for serious crimes, Canada and most European countries already have strict immigration policies in place, if you want to emigrate to Canada you must pass two medical exams, then have an extensive criminal background check which you yourself pay for, then you must have a skill set in need in Canada or at least $500, 000 to invest as an entrepreneur immigrant, if you overstay your visa in Canada you will be deported as many have been already and not allowed into the country again for 5 years. Trumps policies when examined objectively are shown to be fair without bias and to the benefit of the country as a whole, a country with unprotected borders doesn't deserve to call itself a country, Trump will empty the swamp, stop the rot, destroy ISIS, then make peace with all nations not war and make America great again for every citizen, of that I am sure.A strong America is good for the world as a whole, we are all in this together, it's sink or swim time so don't rock the boat.


Hollywood at its finest. So, now we know and aren't surprised this is REALLY how they think about a large majority of the people who watch their shows. Maybe we should hurt them financially and see how they like that. This guy should be fired and sent to live in a rural community and find out how difficult it is to find work and to make money. With his BIG ego I'm sure he thinks he would be the smartest and would find work anywhere though. "Mr. I'm so much better than other people who are less fortunate". Here is the facts: It wouldn't have mattered who was running for the Republican Party they still would have won. We could not take another economically ignorant 1960 radical in the White House.
