Costco WAGYU ground beef. WORTH THE PRICE?

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Both Costco and Sam's Club have Wagyu ground beef sold in 3 one pound packages for around $18. I tried both and compared them. Which did I like better, and why?

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I purchased another 1/4 beef cow from my local butcher shop. From their own herd. Grass raised, grain finished. No antibiotics, no mRNA added. 212 lbs of various cuts for $5.50/lb.
7 ribeyes.
8 loin steaks.
3 chuck roasts
40 lbs hamburger.
25 lbs beef cutlets.
8 big beef ribs
Fajita meat. Marinated
Stew meat.
Etc, etc.
This stuff is extremely tasty and nicely marbled.


Just got back from a eagles grocery store a local place ribeye on sale 799 a pound I bought 30 pounds get it while it’s cheap 😊👍


Hi Mitch! Just became a member yesterday & been doing some members only video watching today! Thoroughly enjoying my “member only” status😁. Thanks Mitch for all your great input to living as a carnivore! 👍


Thank you for your message, you are an inspiration!


I love your ending: "Take the rest of the day off... and eat meat!"

And I appreciate your tone, and the way you talk to the camera. Pretty well done good Sir!


You might try the Aldi's grass fed ground beef. I make about 4 burgers. I put the one pound of grass fed ground beef into an electric mixing bowl. I add one small spoon of Aldi's garlic powder, and one small spoon of Aldi's onion powder. I chop up two sweet onions into quarters, and put them into an electric grinder. That creates small pieces of sweet onion in about 8 seconds. I add the chopped up sweet onion into the electric mixing bowl. I run the electric mixer for a few minutes. I then use precut parchment paper and two large plates to press about 165 grams of meat between the two plates, so the U cooked meat and sweet onions mixed in are nearly flat.

The precut parchment paper is sold on Amazon, a package of 1, 000 precut hamburger sheets. The parchment paper prevents the meat from sticking to the plates that are used to flatten the burgers. When the burgers are fairly thin, it cooks all the way through. No need to ever measure the temperature. That thick meat isn't going to fully cook in the middle of the meat. I never eat rarely cooked meat.

I cook with Costco Kirkland grass fed butter. While your at Costco, you should buy the sugar free Kirkland bacon. Only one bacon sold at Costco is sugar free. Sometimes Sam's Club has sugar free bacon, but usually only has added sugar bacon. Aldi's also sells one sugar free bacon. I cook the bacon in Costco Kirkland grass fed butter. I never cook with oils. I tried cooking with ghee, but it creates a big mess on the stove with the splattering and tastes very bad.

My diet is close to carnivore, but I do eat chopped up sweet onions and I eat one cauliflower per day for fiber. I discovered if I don't eat any fiber, I get severe constipation. Dispite not being strictly carnivore, I lost 68 pounds in a year, and lost many health problems. I was obese a year ago, and now I'm normal weight.

While your at Costco, you could buy one of those $90 to $105 ribeye meat packages. Put it in the freezer for two hours to stiffen it up. Then cut it about half the thickness of the precut ribeye. Then you cook the ribeye in the air fryer for about 8 minutes per side. Before cooking the ribeye I make a paste with small spoon of the Aldi's onion powder, garlic powder, and Aldi's traditional soy sauce. I spread that paste onto both sides of the ribeye before cooking. No need to measure the temperature because the thin cut ribeye cooks all the way through in the air fryer at 400 degrees.


Thx for doing this, filming it and sharing it with us.


It’s rare to get out of Costco without spending about £100 so you did well to just get the beef.


We have a Fresh Market in the Florida Panhandle every Tuesday they put their ground chuck on sale for 3.99 a pound..It is really good..just get there when they sells out fast..Best Regards


Really Simple way of cooking the Ground meat thanks for sharing your video Mitch, Here's to good health, Cheers


Looks great! Love hanging out with you guys here! I will try this soon! ❤


I do not drink anything with caffeine. Strictly water, sparkling mineral water only


Ive only been carnivore for 3 weeks. We ordered out tonight, and i found some naked wings i thought would be ok to eat. They ended up being breaded and i ate them anyways. Its the first time i haven't felt good in these 3 weeks. Lesson learned! Wagyu looks delicious


This confirms to me once again that I am overcooking my ground beef, which explains why I find it less than appetizing… ie. dry. How does the Wagyu compare to regular ground beef ? Maybe you mentioned, and I missed it…


AMAZING MITCH, I have never purchased any of this. Thank you for showing new things!!


Good morning one and all, from Copperhill Tn.


Thank you! I have both memberships but haven’t yet tried the wagu ground beef.


thank you Mitch. Looks really good. i will have to look for this at my costco.


I remember when Penn & Teller sold "Premium" bottled water for outrageous prices, convincing people it was exotic with fancy labels. Truth is, while Penn was selling the bottles, Teller was filling the bottles, with water from a garden hose in the back of the "restaurant."
Point is, there's a sucker born every minute who will be convinced to part with their money if you make it sound like the thing they're buying is absolutely incredible.


Costco American Wagyu is my GoToBurger. Not having tried Sam’s, I can’t compare. I had been ordering Allen Brothers full blood Wagyu, also very good, but not worth the extravagant price, when the Costco is available. I make the three pounds into a little over 5 oz patties and freeze for my Burger Thursday (yeah I’m retired). I make them medium rare (old school) on my flat top seasoned with kosher salt, pepper and garlic powder for that ever important crust. Thanks for the upload. You had me on the edge of my seat at the end!
