Lost your focus in 2024? No problem. Here's the 2025 fix!

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I was on average happy but always feel like I can do more. It was my first year seeing small income. The year has had its swings but I have made and submitted a tonne of music to libraries. All in all it has been good but with a whole lot of challenges that in 2024 I learned to welcome in. I now push hard to not hide and get scared when things get challenging, I want the challenges.


2024 was really cool for me. I knew my friend did something with composition for like a decade, and I would often write something (without any real composition knowledge) and he'd critique it. Then one day this year he called me and said "I have to explain what I do, and you should really try it."

Since I'm a trained jazz musician, I tried to do some jazz themed cues. More like jazz songs that have decent edit points. After two library submissions with no answer I decided to go a different route.

After my very busy October season I decided in mid-November to really study a certain genre of cues and go after it.

I'm currently somewhere around 16 towards my 20 cues, and bringing my laptop (my secondary computer) with me to out-of-town gigs and try to come up with something while out.

I may be a professional musician with degrees in music, but this is still a skill I am learning and it's kinda like learning a new instrument.

On your last point with motivation, I learned that I couldn't wait for motivation to practice my instrument if I want my gigs to go smoothly. Discipline trumps motivation when honing a skill.


I spent 2024 writing music, completing my studio, setting up a website and trying to increase my sync writing knowledge. Like most folks, I also had to make a living.
Last night I sent out my very first email to a library that is accepting new composers for consideration.
The biggest problem for me: being too afraid to submit my material. I wanted everything to be perfect. “First impressions are lasting impressions.” The whole process was kinda like being back in school and trying to build up the courage to ask a girl out on a date. Nerve racking!
My goal this year is to continue creating music and to submit to one library at a time until I, hopefully, get hooked up with about three libraries.
If none of my material gets accepted…oh well. I’m having fun anyway.


I was happy and now I feel proud. I made a creative plan, I followed it and did the best I was able to do. Even though life was hectic at times, it was a productive year. So I'm taking this win. 😊


I used sync music as the subject my master’s degree thesis at Berklee… Sync is a fascinating part of the music Biz that most people don’t know about it. Many musicians don’t know about this. I’ve completed my degree and look forward to digging through my massive collection of music that needs to be edited and tweaked so I can start licensing more music again.


In 2024 because of commitments I made to some artist I work with I couldn’t pursue sync the way I wanted. But now in the past month I’ve written my first 6 tracks that are specifically for starting my journey into sync licensing in 2025 in earnest. I hope to re-join you guys in sync academy. And I’m ready to put in work. Let’s go 2025.


The beginning of this year saw me with a deadline to complete my album by May, 2024. Of course, life got in the way as it always does(and always will)but what really got me off track was a feeling of incompetence and wondering if I even had what it takes to produce music. I am always critical of myself and the music that I create. I know that I shouldn't compare myself to other artists and producers out there but I do fall into that trap sometimes. As of yet, I haven't gotten any placements but sync is the CAREER that I want to be my livelihood. I'm working a job that I hate and dreads going to and sync is what I think of EVERYDAY because I know that music is what's supposed to be happening with my life. Needless to say, the album has yet to be finished. I AM working and completing music for the album, I just have to get over the feeling of incompetence and not being good enough. In answer to the question, I am not very satisfied with my progress and productivity with my music for 2024 and I'm hoping that the 2025 fix works for me! I look forward to it.


Great video as always Jesse. I was pretty prolific in 2024. I released 10 music library albums, made the best album of my life for Universal Music, composed for about 20 tv shows and did a bunch of corporate jobs. I composed 227 new tracks finished and stemmed out. But I still listen to other people's music and think it's all better than my music. I think I still have imposter syndrome. This industry can be a mindkcuf. But we do it for the love of music right? Sync Focus 2025 sounds amazing and I recommend working with Jesse to everyone who wants to learn the blueprint for sync music!


I have made a lot of my best music and have really honed in on a neiche, managed to get accepted into a new second library which focuses on that neiche amongst others. This happened last month and have not had much of a response from them or anyone industry related since mid November but I am just chalking it up to people winding down for the holidays. I am hopeful for 2025 though, and I really wish everyone in the Sync My Music community has a prosperous year ahead!


As always, Thanks Jesse I've learned a lot from you and I look forward to learning a lot more.


I also was happy with 2024 on average, but feel like there still are 20-30% of room to improve. At least I managed to write a lot of music (120+ tracks for sync), but my biggest issue is that I have a hard time to focus on one thing, and started the year trying to do several things at once. Sync, stock, game music packs and custom scoring, with more ideas like selling beats and youtube channels coming up every now and then.

The good thing is that this year my first royalties finally started trickling in, so I now have set much smaller and more focused goals for 2025. I'll mainly do sync and a bit of stock music, everything else will have to wait until I actually have the time to dedicate to it!


In 2024, I had a hard time booking library work because the publishers I knew were cutting back due to severe film and television industry reductions. I was able to find technical work in the record industry, so I did that instead. As a result, I didn't create much in 2024.

For 2025, I am widening my net in the US and adding Europe to find new opportunities to be paid to create. In the meantime, I still have technical music work to support my family.


I’m happy with how much I’ve learned. Much of that is attributed to Pro Feedback. My tracks are 200% better than the beginning of the year. However, I am extremely unhappy that I have no placement results yet to show for it - a lot to do with needing more time at the DAW.


I lost my focus because you said it would take 5 years to see realistic income. I need something that returns faster (months not years). Haven't been productive in movies or games because they take forever, so I should definitely just focus on building a catalogue for 2025. Thanks Jesse!


I didnt pay for promotion at all and my music was in almost 50 countries. I had over 300 monthly listeners. Over 1.1k streams. No paid promotion


AI music was the biggest deterrent this year for me, by far. I still got accepted to two libraries, write 50-60 cues for them, I’m happy of my progress, but worry that it’s all going to be for nothing.


My whole entire 2024 was a big piece of crap, and although I made some achievements with my music, It's not where I want to be, and I have questioned if I have what it takes to make it work. But luckily I'm hard headed and not ready to quit just yet, so hoping 2025 will be a better year.
