Brainwashing at Architecture School? - with Robert Adam

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In this video, Robert Adam tells about his experiences at architecture college back in the early 70's. Have times changed since then? Yes, a bit. But architectural education is still mostly modernist and there are plenty of examples of students being bullied when they want to design something classical or traditional. Only at a select number of universities, most notably Notre Dame University is it currently possible to follow a fully traditional / classical curriculum.

Prof. Adam's story is just one example of a clash between traditional minded students and modernist institutions, there are many, many more. It happens up to this day. Let us hope that more faculties will start to offer traditional and classical techniques to undergrad students at some point again - at least to offer them the choice to study it, instead of only offering it as part of a Master's course.



Shimmer - Pensive
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PEOPLE WANT BEAUTY! Who is this man talking? We need more architects like him!


I (as an architecture student) hate when my teachers act like superior intelligent beings compared to general society. They basically act like they know everything but they don't know much really.


As a retired architect., age 77, I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for speaking truth!


My dad held Bachelor's and Master's degrees in electrical and industrial manufacturing. He used to (half jokingly) refer to architects as 'artuchokes'. He had many friends and colleagues that were architects so his problem wasn't with the individuals, it was the education/training that they received. Your video illustrates why he felt this way. Engineers learn from follows function. Architects seem to be enculturated that engineers exist to make architects' designs work safely.


I could say the exact same concerning my master of architecture from University of Colorado at Denver. Tried to fail me for at least 3 of the 7 studios. Last time helped get the instructor fired for lying to oppress so badly.
Was told 2 of those 3 times that I didn't finish all the requirements. When asked which requirement was not finished, they never answered after being asked multiple times.


The overwork culture doesn't help either. When you spend 99% of the time being boxed in with the same people and being extremely stressed without getting to interact with non-architect people, the brainwashing becomes way more effective.


I found the same thing at art college. Bad artists would promote the ugly to raise their own low standards higher. It is true, those who can't produce excellence might just teach others inferior standards. Some professors simply were not that good, and so they raised themselves up in their own minds by looking down their noses at what was actually far superior. Strangely enough, there were plenty of stupid artists who fell in line with that. I did not.


I went to NYIT for architecture and this is so TRUE! They did indeed brainwash us... and after returning from Europe in my 3rd year (of a 5 year program) I began to push back from the programming and subsequently got my first C... for a design that was BEAUTIFUL.


We had an architect that lived in our housing complex complained that he was being confined to a He couldn't see eye to eye with his boss so he was laid off. Soon after his marriage fell apart as his wife felt he should have compromised for the sake of earning an income and supporting the family. My mother tried to bring them together and she did not succeed, the marriage was completely broken. I felt bad for them and shocked too because they both seemed like really nice people. I worried about him after I moved out of the area. I have since also met a lot people that trained as architects but do not work in the field. I know when I so much wanted to go to architecture school the economy was bad and so many architects were unemployed. It was also the most expensive program at the university.


As someone studying architecture, I 100% agree with you, the school and its teachers are biased and try teaching things that are unpractical, unwanted or borderline crazy.
Another thing in my particular school, we are OBLIGATED to draw everything by hand even though none of the teachers or architects out there do that anymore.


So many buildings are just ugly and impractical for the sake of some weirdass "vision". It's like architects don't realise or don't care that real people actually really have to exist in the stupid things they design.


Currently in the middle of my first semester of architecture school, and yes, it does feel like architecture school does indeed brainwashes students (depends on what school). Every time I go to our school building and I see that student-made poster that says, "ARCHITECTS NEVER GIVE UP, " I immediately would feel disgusted. It's like accepting being overworked.

Learning and applying what we're taught is actually a fun challenge. The amount of work isn't. In my case, even if you are the most productive student in class, you will definitely burn out.

I couldn't even enjoy my Christmas break one bit. If I took a day off of schoolwork, anxiety would creep in. You'd have to be insane to get through this bs. I'm out of this course when the semester or school year ends.


My personal experience at Architecture Uni is exactly the opposite, the only "teacher" that was imposing his ideology in us student was a traditionalist. I have to say that I've always thought it was weird that the first history lessons were about contemporary architecture tho, it would make sense to learn classical architecture in the first year. But still most lectures were about classical architecture rather than contemporary.


I wonder, do we have any example of new buildings that deny modernism and have a more classical style and look beautiful?


Every word you said is absolutely true and that's what I always feel. Nobody ever understands. U have no idea how much I relate to this. Just what I wanted to hear and this made my f*ing life


Your school sounds a bit mad. I went to TU Berlin and CAT. De Santiago and I only had one specific professor that forced me too use a specific design language. (She was a massiv b….) The rest of the time I could do pretty much the designs I wanted. And I did it all, from modern, postmodern, neoclassical and even craftsman. And we even had a class where we fought about group architecture ore how to include a range of people in the design process. And now that I have my own office I’m in direct contact with the clients. And they all want different styles. So it was extremely valuable that I learned how to build in different design styles.


I am intrigued by this topic and that’s why I keep commenting but it is interesting that the channel’s logo is minimalist in expression.

It’s a minimalist traditional icon ie Postmodern 😄 basically it’s Phillip Johnson. It sort of reinforces the idea that we can’t actually go back because our collective culture has changed, so it will only ever be a nostalgic symbol of something else.


Wait, they wanted to fail him even if he passed? Why would they do something that crazy?


That's such a weird psychological situation, disgusting.


This is why I gave up my dream of becoming an architect, I learned how to use Autocad myself and just design and sketch traditional architectural designs and ideas based on my own research and study. Wish I knew more about the technical side
