Window of Tolerance: What is it and how to stay in it

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In this video, I discuss the window of tolerance and how to stay in it. The window of tolerance is a state where you are performing at your best. You're relaxed, but alert. You're focused, but not overwhelmed. Learn how to find your personal window of tolerance and stay in it for maximum productivity.

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I used to have no tolerance for anything and would break down so easily and quickly… but after learning and healing from my past I’ve been able to be angry 2 times in the last 5 years… and never staying in negative emotions, I still get sad, annoyed and frustrated but I never stay there for a prolonged period of time 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️


Ah, yes, HYPOarousal. I remember the anxiety consumed me so thoroughly, I felt I had no choice but to lay in bed and let the pain course through me. It physically hurt to exist and I wished to die. I was stressing over course work that I couldn't figure out how to complete. Looking back on it now, I can't believe how much pain my anxiety could physically cause me. It felt like a jagged long sword stabbing through my heart and down the rest of my body.


I’ve definitely noticed this. Larger stresses drive me into the hypo-stressed window. More minor annoyances (especially when I’m hungry or tired) trip the hyper side. Great video!


My window of tolerance has historically been quite wide; probably because of childhood abuse & learning quickly that ‘reacting’ isn’t safe or productive. Of course holding the anger in wasn’t healthy either as ‘shutting down’ was the coping response. Thankfully, things are well balanced with adequate sleep/insight/age/maturity; things that need to be addressed are done so thoughtfully & immediately.

Suspect the focus needed to color the mandalas is what helps more than the free drawing. ✍🏻 Art has been transformational for me in many ways.

BTW: Began using the canna butter 🧈 regularly for insomnia & it has helped immensely! Additionally, had eye exam yesterday for the first time in 6 years; 20/20 vision, no glaucoma, previously diagnosed bilateral cataracts have remain unchanged. Am off ALL prescription & psychiatric meds > 2 years; it was great to update previous health history reporting that: “No, I’m no longer on this, or that or that. I’ve actually gotten better as I’ve grown older!” 😊😊😊 Sleep is a wonderful thing. 😆


Wow, did I need to hear about this concept at this point in my life. I've been struggling with this and didn't have the words for it. Thank you


Thank you dr. Tracey … I’ve just had a out break . I have BPD and PTSD many people don’t understand how painful it is .


I didn't know those designs had a specific name (mandalas). I work at a hospital, and each unit has a distressing board where the nurses display their patients colored mandala artwork.

The board also has blank mandalas stapled to it and a cup of colored pencils available for anyone who cares to just walk up and start coloring.

So cool.Thanks for sharing! 😊


Thank you so much for the coloring pages, for this video (which was helpful to me and my husband, too!), and for being here for all of us. Your work settles, educates, and lifts me. So grateful for you!


powerful video!! 🙏 perfect for helping people to cope with the mental health impact of Covid in our lives -- especially after well over 2 years of this life-changing event!!


Can you make a video on when its time to find a new therapist?


Wonderful information. I can have a mixture of both from narrow window. If I head out the narrow window I need help to be brought back. I can easily get overwhelmed and over stimulated. Took me a long time (with help of others) to be able to pull myself out of the window I fell from. Still if it hits too fast I need help and guidance to at least reach the window. Maybe it harder for those who are ASD. I don't know. But I do know for me it's very hard to pull myself out once I am out the window. Again, great information and tips for those who want to learn. Hope it helps many people.


My tolerance has definitely reduced during the pandemic. I teach college and the extra stress of teaching students lots of personal issues and not always prepared for college, politics, the adminstration to piling on more duties, not supporting us, and not acknowledging we are still in a pandemic have pushed me out of my window.


This was right on time. I will be sharing this with my sorority this month!


So thankful for this video. It helped me identify and put a lable on where I'm at in the window of tolerance. The symptoms of hypoarousal is what resonated for me. I have shut down and have no desire to connect with the outside world, family and friends. I didn't even care to figure out what was going on with me. Now that know what I'm dealing with, I am encouraged to work it out. Thank you Dr. Marks for the beautiful job you are doing to help who are in need. Your sessions help those
you may not have access to affordable mental health care treatment.


I think I've experienced both hyperarousal and hypoarousal, just didn't know there were names for those states. Can vouch for coloring being an effective method for relaxing and fostering a peaceful environment where your mind can untangle itself.


Dr. Marks,
Love your videos, so relevant. Wish parents would explain tolerance to their children and foster it in their lives. The world would have better people. Thank you for your work.


I would love to watch a video showing all the physical symptoms that are able to manifest through anxiety and when to differentiate them from something more serious. As someone who has health anxiety, it is hard for me to believe this headache is only because of my anxiety even after my doctors telling me it is. I also think having a video showing all these symptoms is able to show just how powerful our minds can be.


Thank you for this video! It helped me understand and realize that I have a narrow window of tolerance and need to implement your suggestive tools to better manage my emotional reactions to stress. Very useful!!


I know you always encourage seeking out professionals, but your videos have saved my life on more than a few occasions. I wish you could be my psychiatrist, but I can't afford one. Thank you for doing this


Dr Tracey is the only Youtube creator I need to have a note pad with me to remember all the important points
