Paimon, Stolas & Andrealphus: Everything We Know About the Ars Goetia So Far!

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Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel have a few systems of royalty in hell, and who knows what others will appear, but the most interesting is the Ars Goetia, and their real life history.

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I noticed how Paimon shapeshifted into an owl like creature to talk to stolas, making me think he does the same for his other children.


I'm curious to see this show's interpretation of Andras since he's one of, if not the most, violent of the Ars Goetia. Personally, I'd like to see at least one more antagonist in this show besides Striker who feels like a serious threat and Andras has the potential to be flat-out terrifying.


Honestly, I think they made osmodeus a rooster, because well.... Male chickens are calls "cocks" and he's the prince of lust. It was probably a connection to stolas but also a joke


We've actually got quite a few hints to how old Stolas is.
Assuming the timescale between Hell and Earth is 1:1, we have these points.
-25 years had passed between Stolas being engaged to Stella and the present.
-Stolas explicitly stating Octavia to be 17, leaving an 8 year gap between her birth and her parents' engagement.
-This last one is just an estimation based on a few logical assumptions, but if Stolas and Stella got married and had Octavia as soon as possible afterwards, as well as assuming they wed & bed at 18...

Stolas was 10 when he first met Blitzo, 18 when he married Stella, and 35 now.


Idk if this has ever been covered but each prince of hell seems to be connected to actual angel types, Asmodeus looking close to the Cherubim a multi-headed angel. Seeing as the 1/3 (if I remember correctly) were angels so the others must be based off of angels themselves :)


I don't know if it has been officially said that human sinners are the native population of the Pride ring, but now it seems to me that Bird demons are the inhabitants of pride

If you think about it, we have seen a lot of Bird demons (specially after this episode), meaning that they are more comon that we initally thought, and not only are they part of the nobility of hell, they are also a text book definition of the word arrogant

It would seem then that Bird Demons are the native species of the Pride ring and that their role in society is to be the nobility (just like wrath imps are farmers for example)

if we speculate a little more, we could deduce that they lure humans to hell with demonic pacts (the Goetia Demons are known for being sumoned by humans to make deals with them) and political manipulation (as indicated by Stolas in the pilot) just like succubus lure humans with seduction.

I don't really know, but it makes sense to me


If you notice, Paimon shifts into an Owl when talking to Stolas and explicitly calls him 'The Owl Boy'

Making me think that he shifts into other animals to talk to his various animal children of different species.


Just an FYI: Stolas was 11 during the flash back scenes, since its confirmed he's 36. This means he and Stella were married most likely as soon as Stolas turned 18, and then had Octavia some time after that, as she would have been born when Stolas was 19. Considering they're nobility, its not really that surprising that they would do this. Royal children were often married off young and encouraged (Or forced) to have children just as young.


Is curious you mention it, Andras has the potential to be a really intimidating antagonist. He's the most violent of the Ars Goetia and specializes in execution, whether carrying it out or teaching it. It's possible Stella could ask him to kill IMP or possibly even Stolas.


Really speaks to how crappy of a father Paimon is that he doesn't recognize Stolas at first despite Stolas being the only member of the Ars Goetia who fully resembles an owl.


The whole thing with Paimon having multiple children is there are 72 demons in the Ars Goetia. Only nine of the Goetial demons are kings with Asmodeus and Paimon being the only ones we have met. Leaving any number of the remaining 63 demons Paimon's children. Bear in mind only 7 of these 63 have the status of Prince.


Honestly I like to believe Stolas was likely reincarnated, since that’s the only way to explain how he was able to help build his father‘s temple. Since higher demons function very differently so it makes sense that death is a very funny thing for beings of high rank. though it is possible for them to permanently die so it makes sense they would need to have a spare in case The original higher demon dies but it isn’t just making a replacement for them, there are also political reasons as well.🤔🐱


Stolas actually has at least 70+ siblings in the Ars Goetia, some aren’t bird-like.


It would be interesting to see Malphas (a giant crow demon prince from the Ars Goetia, and the 39th one listed). He's a little bit more powerful than Stolas. It would be cool if in the show they were related somehow since both are princes of hell.


The title of King of the ars goetia may have just been given to Asmodeus as a sort of gift from the highest ranking King Baal, in order to improve relations.Even if Asmodeus dosent have the highest rank, he is by far the most powerful in terms of sheer brute strength, political clout, and the size of his legions.


If I recall Andrealphus, unlike most other goetia in classic texts, is described as being quite malignant while most goetia are neutral or benign. It is possible that Stella's threat to Stolas involving her brother was less a threat of station and more a threat of violence. Unlike the other demon hierarchies in this universe the ranks of Ars Goetia may not follow "might makes right" so even though Stolas may outrank Andrealphus it doesn't mean he is more powerful than him in terms of strength.


FunFact The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph


It’s likely the show isn’t fully using the actual canonical lore for its story.

They are probably just using an idea that the “king” Goetia are the oldest and all the other Goetia are their descendants. Curious if we’ll be told otherwise

Especially since not all Goetia are depicted as birds. Vivzie might be using only birds as a creative design choice (although I’d love to see the team design the non avians)


I am actually really happy you talked about one of the royales being able to see in the future. That is an unpopular opinion I have had about Stolas for a long time but didn't consider another royal member could have that ability. I have also heard so much buzz on Stola's mortality. I knew he couldn't be kill with any weapon but I didn't know the confirmation of him being immortal. I guess that means Stella and Via are too? Maybe? I am really excited to learn more about everything in this universe.


I like how Paimon is a shapesifter because it means that not all of the demons in Helluva's ars goetia are birds (though there are still many that are, such as Andras and Camio). Also, didn't paimon state that the ars goetia is a family that Stella is getting married into? That means that she is not inherently part of the ars goetia, BUT then again, andrealphus is part of the ars goetia so IDK. I just really don't like the idea of them all being birds (it does make sense for stolas, andrealphus, and even Paimon since that's not his true form and he only shapeshifted into one so he can look more like Stolas's biological father) I think the reason why Stella and Octavia aren't seen in the official Ars Goetia is because all the demons in the (official) Ars Goetia are male.
