Direct link Sketchup to Unreal Engine 5

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Just a test. This can be of great help in design and render!

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@0:26 - oh, my gosh! I love UE5 now! This moves me ahead of the curve. awesome!


Wow, this is awesome. I'm good with Sketchup and new to UE, and wanting to get into it.


it's just beyond understanding, why such simple and productive modelling like in sketchup is not present directly in the UE already..


Hello, I'm a designer from China. Your tutorial is very popular here, but now I have a serious problem to ask you and hope to get your answer. When I use SketchUp to synchronize to ue5 through direct link, if I connect and re import for the second time, the same static grid body will appear in the interface of ue5, If I reconnect and import for the third time, there will be three identical static grid bodies. This problem makes me very sleepy. I hope to get the correct method of reconnecting direct link for the second time. Thank you.


question, sometimes when modifying something in sketchup and clicking on the direct link, when it is updated in unreal the project falls apart, why could that be?


Hi Willem, it looks great! Thanks for sharing it.

I have daasmith plugin installed on both UE5 and Sketchup 2021.
But it doesn't synced when I hit sycn button. Is there anything I need to installed or run to make sync work?


Hello, I'm a designer from China. Your tutorial is very popular here, but now I have a serious problem to ask you and hope to get your answer. When I use SketchUp to synchronize to ue5 through direct link, if I connect and re import for the second time, the same static grid body will appear in the interface of ue5, If I reconnect and import for the third time, there will be three identical static grid bodies. This problem makes me very sleepy. I hope to get the correct method of reconnecting direct link for the second time. Thank you.
