Mapa live reaction that made 100 million people cry 🔥 | SB19 The First Take

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#sb19 #mapa #thefirsttake #reaction #kpop #ppop #opm

🎙️ 출연진 (CAST Info)

- Lee Dae kwan

- Kim Min Jae

- Kim Min Ju

🎬 Produced by ' Cre8! Studio '
- Sanghoo Lee
- Jaeho Jo
- Hyejin Lee
- Dajung Kim
- Kihoon Ann
- Minjin Kim

Supported by.
Mainplus entertainment
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It's my first time listening to the sb19 Mapa first take personally on some kind of studio in Japan 🗾 I believe so because it's kinda similar recording I've seen on Lisa's gurenge on a white background same here with SB19s as well. I'm glad they read the meaning behind MaPa so it's a memorable to watch them understand and explain the meaning of the song.


this song is now being sung in graduation rites in the Philippines. it was even included in the Philippines Department of Education's curriculum in Grade 7 for it simply encourages children to give respect to their parents.


This is, by far, SB19's best song.

This song is hard to beat. The lyrics, the melody, the arrangement. Even the message of the song.
Everything is perfectly written as if words from the sky fell into their right places.

Gento is great, but MAPA is a masterpiece that will remain in a lot of people's hearts to eternity.


I guess this is how watching and listening to a foreign song is, just focusing on the visuals and the sounds. I wish they could have reacted to a subtitled version of the song because, especially for SB19 songs, the meaning of the songs and the timing of the lyrics to the music is important and impressive. I’m glad they at least read the lyrics in the end, though. The idea of this song was created pre-Covid when they were on tour.


I am glad and proud that SB19 has really pushed through the global scene. Whatever traits were noticed and focused on by the reviewers, I believe this review is still a good sign for Original Pinoy Music. SB19 successfully introduced PPop to the world. Congratulations Mahalima! Thank you to this team for appreciating SB19. ❤


The reason why they write MAPA. is to express their endless, unconditional, love and gratitude to their parents. Its all about Love and Gratitude. ❤❤❤


My fav song of sb19 is mapa .. ❤❤❤ that's why I love him so much too❤️❤️❤️ thanks to your rv reaction to SB19 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭


SB19 song lyrics is so meaningful thats why i love all their songs it has bars and deep meaning that everyone can relate ... They made and compose their own songs from, choreography, producing and directing their music video...all has special skills and talents ... That cannot be done by any other idols ... I salute to this group versatile, talented, humble and very creative as a group and as a solo artist... Wish u all the best SB 19... 😊😊😊😊


The song made me feel like someone is embracing me ❤


This is something that Kpop has lost. Right now Kpop is so focus on being pretty on stage looking so perfect all the time.


The song has profound meaning. A tribute to the parents.


Thanks for reacting to my favorite boys, SB19!


Thank you for this! Most SB19 songs are profound and has powerful meaning. 💙🇵🇭


One thing I like about SB19 is that their music is a reflection of their own emotions, experiences, views, beliefs and hope. They write, produce, compose and perform their own music. It's like their diary. They are amazing performers that can transfer their emotions, energy and message to the audience effectively. They are not afraid to be vulnerable on stage to show what they actually feel. Most of all, they have good values and character. They are good role model to people and most especially their fans. ❤ Have you seen an idol or artist stopping their fans from going into fan war? SB19 did it. Have you seen an idol or artist call out their fans for saying or doing bad things on social media? SB19 did. That is why I love them. ❤ Hope more people all over the world can see them, listen to their music and appreciate them.


One thing that I like this reaction is that you're reading and understanding the lyrics love that so much, sb19 they are so family oriented that they create mapa for Thier parents during Thier early days in the industry, and who would thought that mapa become one of Thier successful song, I think because generally Filipinos are so family oriented that mapa become so relatable, and every year during school graduation mapa become Their graduates' theme song, anyway thanks for reacting 🤗


MAPA ❤ ILAW ❤Liham ❤ Hanggang sa huli❤ Tilaluha❤

this songs of SB19 made me cry 😭😭💔💔


This made us think of our mom and/or dad's sacrifices. This song made us realize how blessed we are to have our parents so right now we dedicate everything to our parents.


I love that the Korean guy said sb19 are very "pop like* instead of saying sb19 are very" Kpop like" because anybody who have been listening to Filipino music or any other music outside kpop understands that sb19 is not very kpop at all. In fact, their style is a blend of western and Filipino indie rap.... And frankly, even kpop is inspired by western and Japanese is universal... So mad respect to the Korean guy.


Touching song offered to parents. Thanks for sharing😘😍😘😍😘


THANK YOU FOR REACTING! MAPA was written and produce (with other co-prod) by the band leader, PABLO (in ponytail). The song was released between Mother' Day and Father's Day as a tribute to all parents.Ow! MAPA was 5th of the most search on Google globally upon released year 2021. MAPA is for Ma (Mom) and Pa (Pop), also means MAP, as our PARENTS are the guide to be the best version of ourselves.
