The 7 Laws of Wisdom [BEST RULES OF WISDOM]

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In this video we’ll walk you through:
Laws of Wisdom
Rules of Wisdom
Wisdom is not a birthmark on your back. But it can solve the problems about what is the law of wisdom, wisdom, laws of wisdom, wisdom quotes, what is wisdom and rules of wisdom,
It's a process, who you become after learning from others and your own life experiences.
Do you want to think differently?
Do you want to think and act wisely?
Then stick to this video till the end, it will surely affect your thinking pattern, no matter who you are right now.
But you have to remember these 7 Rules of Wisdom that are:
Rule #1. Expand your world. & Broaden Your Horizons.
The universe is a lot bigger than your office cubicle.
Only those who dare to leave their safe havens will be able to see what lies beyond the horizon.
Changing your surroundings can cause a shift in your thinking and can make you think in a different way.
Look at the stars lighting up the sky: none of them stay in the same place.
If you truly want to improve your wisdom and personal growth you must expand your horizons, whether by relocating or traveling.
The more you travel, the more you will learn.
Rule #2. Fool's Gold.
The most gullible among us place their worth on their wealth, not on their value.
Money cannot buy wisdom, and unchecked greed will eventually destroy anyone.
If a little is not enough for you, then nothing will be.
Concentrate on developing your intellect and virtue. Recognize that money is just a tool, not your life's score.
People who are only concerned with money allow their other faculties to deteriorate, and any foundation built on sand will soon be washed away.
Rule #3. Understand What You Have Control Over.
“Your mind is the only thing that you can change, always.”
You have control over your mind, not external events.
Recognize this, and you will gain strength.
Anxiety and stress have become silent killers in today's world.
If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by things over which you have no control, your life will end much sooner than your death.
If you want to make real progress, accept what you can't change and focus your energy on what you can.
Rule #4. Kindness is important.
Kindness can be found only in the most powerful and intelligent people.
It takes a deep understanding to be kind to others, and even more to be kind to those who don't deserve it.
It's easy to become enraged at someone, but holding on to your rage is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die; it will only harm you in the long run.
Kindness is not only better for humanity; it is also a much wiser way to approach hostilities and life in general, so remember, kindness counts.
Rule #5. Be grateful for true friendship.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful things because you can only have it if you put yourself out there, open up, and share the most embarrassing parts of your story.
Friendship improves happiness and relieves misery by doubling our joys and dividing our grief.
Friendship is defined as a state of mutual trust.
So, if you want to live your best life, get rid of the fake friends and focus on people you can trust.
Rule #6. Clear Your Mind
Alcohol and drugs are never far away in any modern city.
The frightening thing about alcohol and drugs is that they actually work. They will help you escape pain, but escaping pain has never made anyone stronger or wiser.
Strength of mind rests in sobriety, for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion.
True freedom can only be obtained by overcoming the internal struggle.
We all have difficult moments, some more than others, but it is in overcoming these moments that wisdom and strength are formed.
Rule #7. This Is Your Life
The moment you accept that you are responsible for your own life, that no one is coming to save you, and that no circumstances are to blame for how you think.
You will begin to approach life in a new way.
Things will go wrong, but blaming others or making excuses will only taint your own thinking.
You have the ability to create any life you desire if you choose to accept the responsibility of doing so.
It's time to start working on your most important project. You live your own life.
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Laws of Wisdom
Rules of Wisdom
Wisdom is not a birthmark on your back. But it can solve the problems about what is the law of wisdom, wisdom, laws of wisdom, wisdom quotes, what is wisdom and rules of wisdom,
It's a process, who you become after learning from others and your own life experiences.
Do you want to think differently?
Do you want to think and act wisely?
Then stick to this video till the end, it will surely affect your thinking pattern, no matter who you are right now.
But you have to remember these 7 Rules of Wisdom that are:
Rule #1. Expand your world. & Broaden Your Horizons.
The universe is a lot bigger than your office cubicle.
Only those who dare to leave their safe havens will be able to see what lies beyond the horizon.
Changing your surroundings can cause a shift in your thinking and can make you think in a different way.
Look at the stars lighting up the sky: none of them stay in the same place.
If you truly want to improve your wisdom and personal growth you must expand your horizons, whether by relocating or traveling.
The more you travel, the more you will learn.
Rule #2. Fool's Gold.
The most gullible among us place their worth on their wealth, not on their value.
Money cannot buy wisdom, and unchecked greed will eventually destroy anyone.
If a little is not enough for you, then nothing will be.
Concentrate on developing your intellect and virtue. Recognize that money is just a tool, not your life's score.
People who are only concerned with money allow their other faculties to deteriorate, and any foundation built on sand will soon be washed away.
Rule #3. Understand What You Have Control Over.
“Your mind is the only thing that you can change, always.”
You have control over your mind, not external events.
Recognize this, and you will gain strength.
Anxiety and stress have become silent killers in today's world.
If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by things over which you have no control, your life will end much sooner than your death.
If you want to make real progress, accept what you can't change and focus your energy on what you can.
Rule #4. Kindness is important.
Kindness can be found only in the most powerful and intelligent people.
It takes a deep understanding to be kind to others, and even more to be kind to those who don't deserve it.
It's easy to become enraged at someone, but holding on to your rage is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die; it will only harm you in the long run.
Kindness is not only better for humanity; it is also a much wiser way to approach hostilities and life in general, so remember, kindness counts.
Rule #5. Be grateful for true friendship.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful things because you can only have it if you put yourself out there, open up, and share the most embarrassing parts of your story.
Friendship improves happiness and relieves misery by doubling our joys and dividing our grief.
Friendship is defined as a state of mutual trust.
So, if you want to live your best life, get rid of the fake friends and focus on people you can trust.
Rule #6. Clear Your Mind
Alcohol and drugs are never far away in any modern city.
The frightening thing about alcohol and drugs is that they actually work. They will help you escape pain, but escaping pain has never made anyone stronger or wiser.
Strength of mind rests in sobriety, for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion.
True freedom can only be obtained by overcoming the internal struggle.
We all have difficult moments, some more than others, but it is in overcoming these moments that wisdom and strength are formed.
Rule #7. This Is Your Life
The moment you accept that you are responsible for your own life, that no one is coming to save you, and that no circumstances are to blame for how you think.
You will begin to approach life in a new way.
Things will go wrong, but blaming others or making excuses will only taint your own thinking.
You have the ability to create any life you desire if you choose to accept the responsibility of doing so.
It's time to start working on your most important project. You live your own life.
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