Frostbite WITH LYRICS | Friday Night Funkin' Hypno's Lullaby Mod Vocal Cover [CHRISTMAS SPECIAL]

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Both Red and Gold's voices were created with Synthesizer V Studio Pro, using the Kevin voicebank. I do not own the gameplay shown in this video, nor do I own Frostbite.

Merry Christmas!

0:46 song
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I love how gold is attempting to bargain to not save his self but to save the ones who have been with him through his journey, the pokemon


I like how Red's lyrics let you know he's pretty much fully aware that he's going to die so he's just like "Bro why are you trying? You know we're dead either way" the fact that he's wearing a vest shows how he knows ultimately no matter what that he's screwed.


I like how Gold tells his Typhlosion to hurry as he thinks there is still time for Typhlosion to save itself with it's remaining heat but it still wants to stay and help Gold, which is really sad for the both of them.


2:02 Gold calling out to his mom here genuinely makes me sad knowing that he’s about to die


2:02 gold missing his mom is a depressing reminder he's only around 10 years old freezing to a slow, painful death. it's easy to forget how insanely dark some fnf mods can get!


Just the fact that these voices aren't done by humans, they're AI, alone astonishes me.


2:00 is just a fabulous lyric. When he says that line the vocalist leads gold’s voice to become higher and more powerful with passion. Then moving to the next lyrics, “Mother can you hear my dying words.” And the lyrics after (2:02). These lines fills me with almost a strength/hatred. The way the vocalist handles that part of the song he made it not only sound good, but he wanted to give Gold a loving mind. Lastly at 2:43 with the rest of golds lyrics and red’s. I love the way how they are fighting between truth and reality. As the vocalist gives Gold a voice that represents almost like a, “WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THINGS THAT WONT WANT TO HAPPEN!” While red is like, “I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT IS REALITY” the harmony and fighting that is raging through the frost really does set the battle for a heated rivalry💥🔥

Other Edit: Thank you for 100 Likes!<3


I am shocked to learn that the people singing this weren't real. It sounds amazing, and it also sounds like real people! The lyrics also sound great, and fit the feel of the song nicely. Nice job



In the cold unforgivable freeze
if you came here seeking refuge Realize, your blind eyes, they cannot see

You and me
are we destined to freeze?
A pathetic death ridden with weakness sorrow, pain, and cruelty

Why do you pursue?
if only your foolish mind knew the crushing weight of our hopeless
Efforts we try to make in the end, we can't escape fate

Too late to turn back or have any hope to descend
this hellish, burning, freezing stabbing bitter cold
please don't succumb to it, my friends

My journey ended when
Ice and snow tore it's reazor-sharp snowflakes in to my skin
Now tell me, young, native trainer
why you expect to exempt from the same
punishment for sin?

My partners perish, one by one
I pray to feel the comforting warmth of the sun shine
down on me, strengthen me, give me meaning
to fight and give me will to live but right now

it's so cold. I/You can't go on
Struggle through the snow
let the battle rage, set the stage for the Songs of Perish we sing
take a breath and split the pain

Mother, can you hear my dying words
echoing through the wind robbing me of my life?
Suddenly I'm left with no choice but to die to Frostbite!

Now you realize
You've no choice but to die
On the mountain high Frostbite!
The difference between you and me?
one of us here is accepting of his reality
All of your journey and adventuring
it was for naught, Now we will turn to dust,
Our bodies, and our minds what's left of our Pokemon

I don't want to be awake
Nor do I want to give in to the warm blanket of sleep
There's still a kindle flickering in the depth of my sould,
Typhlosion, hurry!
there's still time to save yourself
you will have hope to remain whole

Your denial paves way for more pointless pain
you're lost in the dark, left without a spark to thaw your mistakes, your partner cannot here you now
they have given way
In despite of your dismay, they're Gone

Don't you dare leave me alone, Please!
Don't give up that easily
I thought we were made to be truly
The very best, like no one ever was
Like no other before us
We have trained, and we have bled
I won't let you die, my friend, Please!
I beg, take me instead
I don't want to lose them all
If I die, keep living
Just shut up!
You're lying, just like everyone else
I was promised happiness, love safety,
and the knowledge that my Pokemon would never leave my side
I am not ready to say goodbye to my friends, to my family,
even the ones who hurt me, is the only place to go
an endless void of nothingness, will I be free

And now our time is done
Stop it, don't you ever know when to quit?
You have no future left ahead
You and I are both as good as dead
Did you not see them die right in front of you?
No use in trying to deny the truth
Just like my Pokemon, your friends are all dead and gone
Get it through your damn skull, you're only a worthless sack of bones
It's over now,
I'm sorry, but the gods will not allow
a happy ending like the one we both truly deserve
for as we suffer, they observe

I'm caving in
Don't let me be lost and forgotten
now my final resting place is within the bliss of snow
I am fated to be all alone...


2:02 was my favorite part, it just sounded so beautiful.


I just noticed. Gold goes through the 5 stages of grief in these lyrics. Granted they're out of order, but its still a nice touch.

Red keeps mentioning Gold's denial, believing that he can get out of here alive

His anger shows when he's telling Red to shut up and to stop telling him he's going to die.

He bargins, asking to take him and let his Pokemon live

His depression is pretty clear throughout the entire song

And towards the end he finally accepts his situation and succumbs to the frostbite



In the cold unforgivable freeze
If you came here seeking refuge
Realize, your blind eyes, they cannot see

You and me, are we destined to freeze?
A pathetic death ridden with weakness
Sorrow, pain, and cruelty

Why do you pursue?
If only your foolish mind knew
The crushing weight of our hopeless efforts we try to make
In the end we can’t escape fate

Too late to turn back
Or have any hopе to descend
This hellish, burning, freezing stabbing bittеr cold
Please don’t succumb to it, my friends

My journey ended when ice and snow tore
It’s razor-sharp snowflakes into my skin
Now, tell me, young, naive trainer why
You expect to be exempt from the same punishment for sin?

My partners perished, one by one
I pray to feel the comforting warmth of the sun shine
Down on me, strengthen me, give me meaning
To fight and give me will to live, but right now

It’s so cold
I can’t go on (You can’t go on)
STRUGGLE through the snow
Let the battle rage, set the stage for the SONGs of PERISH we sing
Take a breath and split the pain

Mother, can you hear my dying words (Now you realize)
Echoing through the wind robbing me of my life (You’ve no choice but to die)
Suddenly I’m left with no choice (On the mountain high)
But to die to FROSTBITE!

The difference between you and me?
One of us here is accepting of his reality
All of your journey and adventuring
It was for naught
Now we return to dust
Our bodies, and our minds
What’s left of our POKéMON

I don’t want to be awake
Nor do I want to give in the warm blanket of sleep
There’s still a kindle flickering
In the depths of my soul
There’s still time to save yourself
You still have hope to remain whole

Your denial paves the way
For more pointless pain
You’re lost in the dark
Left without a spark to thaw your mistakes
Your partners cannot hear you now
They have given way
In despite your dismay, they’re GONE

Don’t you dare leave me alone, PLEASE!
Don’t give up that easily
I thought we were made to be truly
The very best, like no one ever was
Like no one before us
(And now our time is done)

Stop it, don’t you ever know when to quit? (We have trained and we have bled)
You have no future left ahead (I won’t let you die)
You and I are both as good as dead (My friends, PLEASE!)
Did you not see them die right in front of you? (I beg)
No use in trying to deny the truth (Take me instead)
Just like my POKéMON, your friends are all dead and gone (I don’t want to lose them all)
Get it through your damn skull, you’re a worthless sack of bones (If I die, keep living)

You’re lying, just like everyone else
I was promised happiness, love, safety
And the knowledge that my POKéMON
Would never leave my side

I am not ready to say goodbye
To my friends, to my family
Even the ones who hurt me
Is the only place to go
An endless void of nothingness, will I be free?

It’s over now
I’m sorry, but the gods will not allow
A happy ending, like the one we both truly deserve
For as we suffer, they observe

I’m caving in
Don’t let me be lost and forgotten
Now my final resting place is within the bliss of snow
I am fated to be all alone...


Not gonna lie, the harmony section, (about 1:44 to 2:16) are lyrics that will probably stick with me, and just live rent free in my head. They're just *that* powerful.


2:02 That line and how it's given. It's depressing.


I'M BACK AGAIN to inform you this song has been STUCK in my brain for the ENTIRE WEEK! And if I wasn't about to sleep, I'd say how much I loved the emotional duet between Red's grim acceptance and Silver's desperate denial, as well as the gradual loss of hope until the end! To say nothing about Red's final sympathetic line to Silver, how unfair it truly is them both, and despite Silver's last line it left me hoping Red would at least keep him company. 😭❤️


I like how in 3:26 after Gold tells him to shut up and sings how he isn’t ready to leave his loved ones Red actually sympathizes with him instead of insulting him for denying reality


This is a really late comment, but I just wanna say that this is such amazing lyrics. There’s so many parts in the lyrics that just hit so harder than it should in it’s part of the song. Especially the entirety of 1:44-2:16. Gold and Red’s lyrics just flow with the song so well. Happy New Years!! And once again, excited to see what you do next


anyone else notice the reference to Man on the Internet's Vs. Red lyrics? "We have trained and we have bled" nice touch


I’d like to imagine when gold tries to set tysplosion free, tysplosion refuses and stays by his side until the end


1:27 Red is pulling a massive tongue twister on me while I try to learn these banger lyrics 💀🔥
