Unbounded Knapsack | Module : Dynamic Programming and Greedy | In Hindi | C++ | Video_11

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In this video, we cover the second of the Knapsack Problems i.e. the Unbounded Knapsack problem where we are required to fill a knapsack such that the maximum value is obtained from the weights put into the sack without exceeding its capacity

Question Name:
Unbounded Knapsack

Question Link:

Question Statement:
1. You are given a number n, representing the count of items.
2. You are given n numbers, representing the values of n items.
3. You are given n numbers, representing the weights of n items.
3. You are given a number cap, which is the capacity of a bag you've.
4. You are required to calculate and print the maximum value that can be created in the bag without
overflowing it's capacity.
Note - Each item can be taken any number of times. You are allowed to put the same item again
and again.

5. For more detail watch the video.

Topic: #DynamicProgramming #DP #unboundedknapsack #KnapsackProblems

Used #DataStructure: #2DArrays #Recursion #Memoization #Tabulation

#TimeComplexity: Onc //where n is the total number of items and c is the capacity of the bag given to us

#SpaceComplexity: Oc


Smimilar Questions:

1. Zero One Knapsack:

2. Fractional Knapsack:


Dependent Questions:

1. Fractional Knapsack:


More Youtube PlayList:


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Happy Programming !!! Pep it up


#DP #DynamicProgramming #UnboundedKnapsack


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Sir as pepcoding team started to teach DSA in C++, its my humble request to start in python also please ...sirr
