DEMONS made me MASTURBATE. Set FREE from pornography and masturbation!

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Testimony: i was addicted to porn and masturbation too. I struggled my whole with this...on and off...i couldnt go longer than a month...and again i would fall back to my ways. The enemy later convinced me that there was nothing wrong with masturbation. I bought myself toys and vibrators it just got worse. I got married and brought these toys into my got so bad that i couldnt have sex or orgasm with out them. My husband didnt satisfy me any more. I needed those toys. 27 years later im free from porn addiction, masturbation, weed, alcohol. God is working in me. I remember me and my husband were getting attacked spiritually left and right when we decided to get closer to God....we cleansed our home, threw away sex toys, vape pens, and so much more and anioted our home and now I have been free from those things for about 5 months now. God doesnt want us to be slaves to these things. Im finding freedom in Jesus. I encourge you today to follow Jesus.


When I used to struggle with this, God used a sister from church to give me a word while I was at the altar praying. She told me "when those thoughts come to your mind, replace them with something else that you like". I immediately knew that it was this issue God was helping me with. When I got urges, I started to replace the thoughts with a beautiful beach. It worked! Been free since. Praise God for deliverance!


This is not easy to air out your weakness in front of everyone like this. Respect for this woman


I was stuck in this evil addiction of pornography and masterbation for about 14 years (since I was about 12). I was in denial for soooo long that I had a problem, which lead to the continuation of my sin. The pandemic and isolation really pushed me further into darker realms of the filth online, places I’d never thought I’d go. I had to put an end to it, it’s been about a week since I’ve given it up. Please pray for me


I am a Christian and still struggle with masturbation sometimes... I continue praying and I definitely believe Jesus will set me free completely


I've also struggled with porn and masturbation for almost 4 years. God set me free from this bondage almost 8 months ago. He did in a moment what I tried over a year.. to get free. (I literally tried everything but I always kept coming back to it).
I see myself as a living testimony for Gods mercy and love🙏


I too got free from masturbation and pornography for 4 years, its 2 months now and i would never go back .God is wonderful!


i used to be addicted to porn and masturbation as well, but i’ve been free for a couple years now, thanks to Jesus !! 🙌🏽


As a man... I'm embarrassed to discuss my sexual addictions outloud. Only with my priest. Seeing women speak so openly about something we consider so taboo and shameful... IS HELPFUL!!! Thank you ladies!!! I'm feeling really good knowing this sin blankets over all of us!!


What she said is real man. Big advice; don’t open the door for those bad spirits to come in. Pornography, witchcraft, anything that is not good and doesn’t come from God will hurt you. Ive struggled with the same thing, and am still struggling with some other, but I know God will do something great in me. If you’ve just started watching porn just quit it. You’ll get to a point where it’s gonna be so hard to quit if you keep watching it. If you think you can quit it anytime let me tell that’s not true. Find some help, stay away from pornography, from sexual immorality. Fill your heart with God’s word and you’ll have wisdom to flee from any temptation. That is why the Bible teaches us many things about morality and purity, because God knows how destructive sexual immorality can be to us. God loves you.


God bless this woman for sharing her testimony!!! I pray that this helps a lot of people!!


😞 Lord idk why this sin is so difficult to let go....please help our generation . so many people around the world is struggle with this sin... I'm here to surrender my life to Christ, yes Jesus set me free frm lust but after months I started to loss my faith again but i know that God never forsake me i will win my battles with the Lord 🙏


I’ve been there for the masturbation part... as a celibate the struggle is sometimes dificult. But I prayed and he saved me... as always !!


My marriage got destroyed because of this & I got into a bad relationship and left my sweet husband & innocent children. Please pray that Jesus restores my broken marriage even when we are divorced. God is powerful & hates divorce. Praise you Jesus. Thank you so much Jesus


One year ago I watched this Testimony and since that very day till today I'm completely free from Pornography and Masturbation 😊😊
I just returned back to say Thank you Yeshua 😊🙏


Wow! this woman went through what I went through. The demon will also force me to masturbate, thats when I knew the issue was spiritual. God used a friend. She prayed for me and I felt something leaving my arms since that day I never watched porn again and even though it was a tough battle to leave masturbation I am completely free now. Praise be to God!


I can strongly relate with this lady's testimony.I have had similar experience like hers, born and raised a Sunni Muslim, I accepted Christ as my Lord and personal savior in 2017, I had been battling with lots of demonic experience in my life, was addicted to masturbation, porn, and desire to slp with women, every night I would have nightmares, heaviness in my room, seeing my body levitating this dark presences was taking over my life.
I thought the house I lived in was haunted but that was not true because I moved from that house the same thing was happening to me, I realized that I was the problem not the house, alot to say on how I came to accept Christ and how he delivers me.


Guys please for me. May God deliver me from ACTING ON LUST. I’m on day 2 and almost failed. We got this.


So amazing to see so many people want to get rid off this sin!
