Statikks + Lethality Shaco Build! S14 Emerald [League of Legends] Full Gameplay - Infernal Shaco

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I hope you enjoy this Video! :D
Statikks + Lethality Shaco Build! S14 Emerald [League of Legends] Full Gameplay - Infernal Shaco
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I hope you enjoy this Video! :D
Infernal Shaco
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5:10 gwen already tilted lol she went straight back in knowing shaco was right there xD what she expect


Nice video again! I tried Statikks before but didn't understand why you bought it.


if u put the first box at red in the middle of the biggest middle rocky textures the box u put behind the camp makes the camp trigger the other one


the chat always the best part xD and I agree.. disgusting shaco players, but on the enemy team.. still fun to watch.. and without the "singing neckbeard" lel


My boy, I stoped playing lol and games, because I have business and family, but I try always watch your video and pinkward video. I was always playing with shaco my young life. Now I am 30, but I watch your gameplay with happines with my wife. Sorry for bad english, I degree from english at 2014 and dont need to use. Happy chritmas to you and never give up your dreams. I never give up too and have very good life. Love and kiss from Jano.❤If you need help your life contact me I will give you good advicd


In your past thumbnails, I could see the score you achieved in the game, and if it was a high score, I would watch the video. However, in your new thumbnails, there's no score information, so I don't get that initial curiosity or excitement to click on the video as much.

That's why I think including the score information in the thumbnail helps with the viewing algorithm. I just wanted to let you know.


Why Statikks first ? You're dammages are low in early no ? 3 points on W not better for the clear ?
